Shaving stuff in Spain

Hope you nice Chaps can help me with this one, I'm going on my hols to the Canaries next week and wouldn't mind doing a bit of market research whilst there

Haven't a clue where they might sell shaving *stuff* Should I take a look in the pharmacy or the supermarkets? Or do I need to look out for more specialist shops???

Also not sure *what* to look for. Are the Spaniards particularly well known for brushes, razors or soaps??

HELP :shock:

You should find La Toja shaving sticks there but probably not a lot more. I think there is a thread about Spanish shaving tackle already. I'll have a look...

Edit: Found this: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6481&p=89283&hilit=spain#p89283</a><!-- l -->
Mainly Supermarkets during my trips to the Canaries. Quite often hidden away in odd nooks & crannies and not necessarilly close to the toothpaste & shampoos. La Toja seem to be the main brand for either soap sticks, cream in a tube or pressurised foam.

JohnnyO. \ :shave
It is just your luck, I found some Swedes in a Barcelona corner supermarket once and some Williams Balm which was nice. Supermarkets are indeed a good place to try, Pharmacies don't seem to carry shaving stuff (in my experience). Don't worry the missus will get used to you darting off to every shop you pass.
Las Palmas has an El Corte Ingles, it´s a high end supermarket/store and there you can find all kinds of very nice stuff
La Toja as already mentioned do shave sticks and cream and their ASB and AS is excellent as well. BEA/LEA also do shavesticks and creams and they are cheaper than La Toja but not as good.

You may also find Myrsol products (shave creams, balms and lotions) but they are not cheap.

Good luck and happy hunting.