Soaps irritate less when bowl lathered

The other day I face lathered MWF it really irritated I mean nasty burning. I usually bowl lather and its great no irritation has anyone else noticed soaps or creams that seem to irritate less or not at all??? when bowl lathered.
Hey, could it be the brush your using? I could never face lather with cream or soap when using my old EJ Best Badger without huge irritation. When I moved onto my silver tip Kent bk8 I don't get any the tips are a lot softer.
Funny stuff skin...I don't have any problems with soaps, face lathered or not... I fact face lathered with MWF this morning..

But I can't wear Cashmere scarves, even well washed they irritate the hell out of my neck and leave it red and itchy for days....lambswool yes...Cashmere no....How daft is that.
Face lathering usually involves applying soap or cream to your face in a less diluted state than if you bowl or palm lathered. My theory is that this more "raw" form of lather is more likely to irritate the face.

I seem to be okay face lathering soaps, but creams are best palm lathered (I very, very, rarely use a bowl).

With MWF yes, for me at least. But I think it gets the best lather when lathered on the skin though, so I palm lather with it when I use it (fantastic soap).

MWF has sky high levels of lanolin in it and it's the only soap I can get reactions against (only use it in winter time, in the summer I get pimples from it and when I get irritation I get red areas and sore skin).

Mikael, do you have an explanation for why it is different for you in the winter?
Old blade grinder said:
Right chaps it would seem that if you put neat soap on your chops it will irritate but bowl lathering waters it down makes it milder Q.E.D ANY ONE ELSE??

Yes, me. About 6 posts up.
