SOTD: Saturday 1 June - Friday 7 June 2024.

Tue 4th June

Aleppo soap- Shave pre wash
RR 400 - Plissoft noir
Stirling Baker Street
RR Hawk V3- A plate
Schick Proline ( 3 )
Tuff Green A/S Lotion

A very pleasant Shave, 2 days after my last one. Got the impression that perhaps a 2 day interval is better than the 3day one I have been practicing lately.

SOTD 04-June

Brush: C&H 'Eyespot' V18
Soap: B&M Lavender
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Treet Classic Carbon
Post: B&M Lavender AS & Balm

Theme for today was to pick a single note scent, I opted for B&M lavender, a lovely scent and such a shame it was canned.

There's a few other little tasks (hardware challenges) and side competitions (photo hunt/tasks) along the way. Ticked a couple off today with a restored adjustable and using a carbon blade (non-straight razor) which I didn't enjoy, fingers crossed it's better tomorrow. Then the photo challenge being to 'Fill the Frame', couldn't get the bloomin phone to focus properly but it'll do!

Hope everyone has had a good'un.


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Razor = Occams Oren ***
Blade = Feather Pro Guard
Brush = Shavemac 24mm Boar
Soap = Razorock Mudder Focker
with matching splash
Balm = Loccitane Cade
To all you mudder fockers out there i hope you’ve had a good week so far.
Been a bit of a busy one for me so not shaved in a few days although that’s me back on to day shift so some normality at least.
These fockers are great soaps & a great price,
This is the only Razorock soap i have but i really must get more.
3 passes of delightfulness and im a happy bunny.
Enjoy the rest of the week
Welcome to my first entry for this new week of SOTD's.

My prior offering may have mislead you in to believing it was actually my first. But it wasn't, because what may have been thought to be my first for this week, was in fact the last from the previous this new week. Making this my first for this week and my prior entry being just some pile of garbage to justify bothering to take a photo.

As pathetic as I am, this first entry for this new week appears halfway through this week because I was entertaining my good friend, a Spaniard who lives in Denmark (just to add to the general confusion). Entertaining as in drinking a lot.

Excuses and pre-waffle out of the way, and thank you. Ahem.

So here we are, the first three shaves to date (for this new week) which arrive bearing gifts ** the theme, 'Spaniards, salutations and sanatoriums'

** apologies. I thought it was Christmas for a while and had the three wise men in my head. And I don't usually have anything wise in my head.


Mi navaja - Mi mangosta inoxidable
Thank you blade - Feather Professional
Barmy brush - Highlander LFC
Gracias soap - Floris Elite
Mi piel es tan suave. Gracias - Simple
Loca en el perfume - Floris Elite
'Urghhhh, urghhhh, urghhhh. Tell me what colour your cushions are! Mmmmmmm, mmmmm'

A pre opera shave with operatic scale results. Yes, I went to see an opera, and can't see me rushing to the next. Give me the Beaver any day.

As expectations would dictate, expectations met. And smelling very elite.

And smell those Beaver ladies



Strait jacket razor - Ikon B1
La locura y la espada - Super Iridium
Pedro the brush - Highlander Marine AFC
Unhinged soap - Abbate Y Mantia Krokos
Moisturiser madness - Collagen
Mama mama mama, my scent is all crazy now - Abbate Y Mantia Krokos splash
'Shaving, shaving, bloody shaving. It's all I ever write about. Well no more!'

Did I ever say what a God the Krokos soap is? I'm sure I did. But just to reiterate things. It is. And equally so the Ikon.

After a weekend with only the debauchery missing it is always good to having myself to myself and doing what men do. Including shaving.

Seems some time since these hit my SOTD's, so a return to some Blood Stain Child. Not very girly in total but they do have a female vocalist somewhere in the mix...

SOTD Tue 4 Jun 2024

Confusing Tuesday, shave

Prep - hot shower, lather face wash
Cream - Proraso Blue
Brush - DSCosmetic G7 synthetic
Razor - Merkur 38c Barberpole
Blade - Racer Platinum Class (2)
Post - lather remains face wash, cold rinse
Splash - homemade (witch hazel and essential oils), Forest Fresh ASL
Balm - Nivea Replenishing PSB

Confusing today as it’s rained most of the day but this evening it’s sunny and mild!?! Anyway after the cold, wet day my hands were not great and after several attempts at blade loading the Tech I gave up and put it in the big Merkur instead. Another day! Apart from that, it was a completely comfortable and enjoyable effort. This flavour of Proraso makes a superb lather and the Racer is sharp enough for me and very smooth. End result is very satisfactory, feels great.

How come it rained on us when we walked this morning and now I’m trying to get to sleep it sunny and the birds are twittering?