SOTD : Saturday 16th May - Friday 22th May 2020

I'd had a henckels I tried my turn at straight shaving with. It lasted a week or so before I decided just to stick with the DE which worked. Well done on saving the soap from yesterday, mine would've gone down the plug hole
Hi Natjag, thanks for the comment. Yeah, I love to straight shave but unfortunately, I have poor skills understanding honing plus not having the right tools. I am as surprised by the leftover lather too...hahahahaha...I guess I saw it was really thick and creamy. Interesting to hear about your reaction to Marmite. I love mine on toast..
Pre: Shower
Brush: Alpha Outlaw Titanium G4 Synth
Soap: 1912 Irish Fern
Razor: Supply V2 Custom 2 dot
Blade: Personna Injector (6)
Post shave: Cold water splash, EO infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Floïd Balm
Aftershave: Floïd SE Mentolado Vigaroso

3 Passes for a DFS result today, the 2 dot plate requires a little work to achieve BBS for me, however, initially i found the 3 Dot plate a tad too much, i may have to give it another spin.
I still enjoyed the shave and it was very relaxing, at no time do you feel as if the razor is going to bite.
A great face lather today with the 1912/Alpha Ti Synth combo finishing with the Floïd post shave routine.
A late Post as i have been on Hairdressing duties for Mrs TC, she is very happy with her new colour, i also quite like it.
I may have given myself a new regular job here.
Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your day.
Well now welcome to the Saturday of a long weekend here in Canada...The Victoria Day long weekend! Or May 24 as we like to call it....yes it isn't the 24th but there IS 24 beers in a case! However, this “May 24” is a little different now isn't it. There will be BBQ but we'll be waiving at the neighbours and maybe spiralling a few hot dogs over the fence! Stay safe!

Loved the back to back “Aristocrat” shaves and so why not continue in that vein. Today's razor of choice the 1966 Gillette Aristocrat Adjustable. A Gold Slim by any other name but an A'crat in my books. Loaded up with a Personna lab blue.

Soap of the day is TFS Corte Sabauda one of their 70th anniversary soaps. I have the matching AS and I have waxed poetic enough about how good it is. If you have not tried their soaps, I have several and there is not a bad scent amongst them. They are all 8/9 out 10 on scent strength and I am being conservative. Excellent performers.

Lovely three pass BBS shave. Topped it off with this combo's match made in heaven scent...Guerlain Habit Rouge. I smell ungodly good! Enjoy the weekend Brothers and Sisters of the Blade and stay safe!

Rating: 5 / 5

Razor: Gillette Aristocrat 1966
Blade: Personna Lab Blue
Brush: Simpson Colonel X2L
Lather: Tcheon Fung Sing Corte Sabauda
Aftershave: Tcheon Fung Sing - Corte Sabauda
Additional Care:
B.I.G. Co. Alum Block
Guerlain Habit Rouge
A little me time so todays shave was nice and relaxed.

Prep ............. L'Oreal cleansing gel
Pre................. Nuage shave serum
Brush.............Simpson Berkley( best)
Razor.............Rockwell 6s (4)
Blade.............GWS (india)
Post...............Hot and cold face rinse , Alum
ASL................Old Spice Original.

I forgot how good these blades could be in the Rockwell, a nice close, smooth and enjoyable shave.

Wishing you all well, stay safe
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+ 1 on the GWS (india) excellent blades.
SOTD 16 May 2020

Pre-shave: Shower, followed by cold water splash.
Soap: Oxford Soap Company Sandalwood.
Brush: Muhle Silvertip Fiber.
Bowl: Giles Shaing Co - Spotty Pedestal.
Razor: Blackland Blackbird (SB).
Blade: Treet Platinum (Day 2).
Post: Cold water splash, Harris Face Tonic, and Barts Balm: Sandlewood and Rosemary Balm.
EDC: Czech and Speake Vétiver Vert.

A very, very plesant shave today - smooth, comfortable and enjoyable. The Blackbird paired with a Treet Platinum was sublime. A 2 pass shave BBS finish, no problems to report (WTG and XTG).

Today's shave, was perhaps set up from my Friday shave - Muhle Rocca 95 (v4) - loaded with a Treet Platinum (perhaps my blade of the moment). My Rocca shave was inspired by a 'Kevy Shaves' video - Rocca 95 (v4) also with a Treet. In the video Kevy mentioned that he had purchased the v95 as a version 2 - he contacted Muhle who sent him, free of charge a v4 head. I got in touch with Muhle, (with photograph of the R95 head and base plate); they noted that the would arrange for a new v4 head and base plate to be sent to me, from Germany, Excellent customer service.

The R95 v4 was a different best to the v2; I never had a bad shave with the R95 v2 and part of me was expecting the shave to feel the same. Oh how I was wrong! The v4 felt a whole lot smoother, more efficient but a shade gentler. The R95 v4 was my Tursday and Friday shave.

The first 2 shaves of the week were not very good - ATT Calypso M1 with a Kai blade. I posted last weekend that I had got the hand of the Calypso M1 - well that must have spooked things - in a couple of patches under the jaw line my skin felt itchy and sore after the shave, which as time progressed turned in to a series of red blotches. Not sure what went wrong; tried the same set up on Tuesday, which was marginally better - but still not the result I was looking for.

Have a good week one and all.

All the best,


SOTD 16th May

Soap - Soap Commander Honor
Great performance and scent.
Excellent lather
Brush - Omega S Brush
Right amount of scritch for 3 day
beard. Produced a great lather.
Razor - Rockwell 6c R5, 4 & 3 for each pass
Loving the adjustability of my
adjustables. Sublime performer.
Blade - Gillette Rubie
My first ever use and very impressed
Post - Barts Balm Rosemary and Sandalwood
Excellent as are all of them.

Stay safe people.