SOTD : Saturday 17th April to Friday 23rd April 2021.

Pre-shave:- Cold Shower
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Semogue SOC 2 Band Finest Badger in Taj Resin 24/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Noble Otter ~ Plunder
Razor/Blade:- RazoRock SS Lupo 72 / Gillette Stainless (red & white pack) #1
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Fragrance:- L'Occitane Baux
Saturday 17th April
Vig Shaving Plissoft - Vitos Red Super - EndGem Speed 3• - GEM Stainless Coated #9 - Williams Aqua Velva A/S - Aloe Vera Gel

The last of my trio of EndGem shaves, the most aggressive 3dot. Which definitely lives up to its description, as the alum and Williams gave a very pleasant tingle.
One other thing that I forgot to mention is the lovely scraping toast sound that the EndGem produces.

Be happy everyone!
17 April

Extro Bergamotto di Calabria
Semogue SOC
Rex Ambassador
Gillette Silver Blue
Floïd Mentolado Vigoroso

A new soap for today’s shave, Extro soap with the fresh lemony scent of Calabria. This is a replacement for the TFS Corte Sabauda, which over time lost it’s orangey scent and, when last opened, smelled somewhat off. Binned. The Extro lathered easily, and the Rex gave a comfortable, close, two pass shave on setting 3.
Todays Cold Water Shave Kit - Saturday 17th April 2021

Shave Score 7.0/10.0

PreShave: Hot Shower
PreShave Cream: Proraso Refreshing
Soap: Southern Witchcrafts - Lycanthropy
Brush: Yaqi 24mm - Purple Haze
Razor: RazoRock GC .84 OC
Post Shave ASL: Southern Witchcrafts - Lycanthropy
Post Shave Balm: LEA 3 in 1
Post Shave Cologne: John Varvartos - Artisan

4th shave on this KAI, a step too far for this blade, felt great on the WTG, and felt off on the XTG pass, with the ATG pass I should of stopped and changed blade, I didn’t, ended up with some ninja weepers which didnt appear until a few mins after I had finished, A fair bit of razor burn on the top lip also then became apparent, weirdly rest of the face felt BBS.

Win some lose some

Have a good one all.


Ok ok you've convinced me, another one for the list! To be fair I like a razor with heft so it'll probably be a decent addition anyway!
1st shave with the Pass-around Carbon CX Std Plate

Pre: Pears Transparent Original Cold water Face wash
Brush: Silver Birch Brushes - Blue Resin 26mm Silvertip
Soap: OSP Trial Cream #1
Razor: Carbon CX-316L Std Plate 0.68mm
Blade: Personna Med Prep (1)
Post shave: Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Tonyschin's Cedarwood and Patchouli Argan Oil and Balm
Aftershave: Pashana Original

A Dip and twist in the OSP trial cream tin with the Silvertip knot picked up plenty of soap and i started with the face lather adding drops of water to the tips until i had a nice thick, creamy, earthy, floral scented glossy lather - very nice.
I had the Standard plate fitted to the razor fitted with a Personna Med Prep.
The fit and finish is really nice on this razor, as you would expect from the price tag, i used the R2 Stainless handle as this was the heaviest option and to me is the nicest looking, It sits nicely in the hand and feels well balanced, the middle handle recess between the grips seems a natural place for my Middle finger.
All in All a really nice looking razor
So, with the chin loaded i decided on a normal 3 pass shave using WTG, XTG and ATG passes.
I was expecting quite a bit of blade feel as the Blade is quite exposed from the top cap, the blade is held tightly and perfectly in the head, there was a little blade feel but nothing like i was imagining, the cutting angle was found from the first couple of short strokes and it feels pretty normal to any other razor i would use, neither steep or shallow, the first pass completed without issue and i have to say it felt very comfortable and Safe, mild even.
The XTG and ATG passes were very similar, i was using a very light touch and i ended up with a DFS++, i have a little roughness to the touch, rubbing XTG on the right hand side of my chin, however, that could well be down to my technique and learning curve.
A nice post shave routine winding up the shave.
From that 1st Shave i can say i could use the Standard plate as a daily driver, it would need my technique dialed in and use it often just to get the muscle memory going.
I really like the look, feel and finish of this Razor and i am looking forward to tomorrows Shave with the + 0.88mm plate.
On another note, the OSP trial Cream performed flawlessly and really helped the shave. The Cream is as good as the soaps in all areas.
Stay safe and enjoy your Day All

Today's sotd pic dedicated to Leslie Nielson. (Right, we'll see if anyone gets that.)

razor - Yaqi Katana on monster brass handle
blade - Med Prep (1)
brush - Semogue 2015 HD badger
soap - Kent - hard tallow
post - witch hazel
a/s - LPL - Abricot
balm - Gomez Barberia
scent - Gotas Frescas - Hombre.

Superb finish but crap shave. I would have thought it is included in any man's human rights that you are entitled to a peaceful, quiet and meditative weekend shave? (I should imagine anyone reading this who has children will be laughing uproariously at that statement.) Problem number one - building work downstairs - it has been going on for weeks, f**k me - it's a tenement flat, not the f**king Sistine chapel. Problem two - my new neighbour is a jazz trombonist ( that's two of my least favourite words in the English language in one statement) who decided a spot of practise was in order at the same time I went to shave. So - the hoped for zen mood was ruined. No matter - the mechanics were flawless - I normally have the Katana on a stainless Bulldog-type handle but the monster brass thing was even better - let gravity do all the work. I have no idea how I ended up with it - but I may be able to discern the hoof prints of the Emporium, if so - thanks @Boycie83. Job done - enjoy the weekend all - I.
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I'm rotating through my razors, to give them all a chance and to see whether a couple which are not my favourites, deserve to stay. This one which is the Merkur 15C is not one of those, as it's going nowhere. I often think it's the overlooked Merkur, which is a shame as it's mild, easy to use and yet can still mow down four days growth easily.

I used it with a GSB on its second outing and the results were good but not spectacular. Whenever I've used a GSB, I find it not as sharp as a Feather and not as smooth as say a Voskhod or an Israeli Crystal. It works, I had a good shave, but it's a bit meh.

Unlike all of the citrus based “software” the forever excellent Castle Forbes, followed by Bart’s Lime balm and a wee touch of the burn some Turkish lemon cologne. Fresh, fresh, fresh on a fresh sunny Saturday. Excellent!

Razor: Merkur 15C
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (2)
Soap: Castle Forbes Lime
Brush: Stirling Butterscotch
Pre-shave: Proraso White
Post-shave: Bart’s Lime Balm and Akçay Lemon Cologne
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper bowl
The Savage Garden!
