SOTD: Saturday 22th to Friday 28th of 2020

Sunday‌ ‌02.23.20‌ ‌SOTD‌

RazoRock Essential Oil Of Lime Shave Oil
Gillette‌ ‌'59‌ ‌E2‌ Standard ‌Flare‌ ‌Tip‌ ‌Super-Speed‌
Personna Platinum Chrome Israeli Red (3)
Yaqi Moka Express 26mm 2-Band Badger
Barrister and Mann Barrister's Reserve Spice Shaving Soap
Old Spice Cologne Original

Pre: Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush: Yaqi Moka Express
Soap: OSP Orange and Patchouli
Razor: Blackland Sabre
Blade: Personna GEM PTFE (7)
Post shave: Alum Block, cold water splash, Witch Hazel
Balm: Barts Balm Cinnamon & Patchouli Balm & Lotion
Aftershave: OSP Orange and Patchouli

The Sabre is a lovely razor to use.
I am BBS and ready for the day ahead.
Enjoy your Sunday All.
Sun 23rd Feb.

The Grosvenor [ 404-mixed ]
Vitos Super Red
Schick Proline [ 2 ]
Tuff Green A/S Lotion

Still very much on a learning curve with the Razor /Blade combo, now I have mastered loading and securing the blade properly.Being quite aggressive I felt encouraged to push the Shave a bit, and as a consequence did not get things quite right on the more difficult RH side of my face.
A shame really as others areas were nicely finished. Next time out I will slow down the pace.


Martin de Candre (sample)
Kent Infinty synth
Face lather
ER 1912 (England)
Thayer's Lavender and Aloe Vera
Fine Italian Citrus

I hadn't used my 1912 for a while, and it was nice to be reminded of that toast scraping noise; (especially on the first pass) and how efficient it is.

3 fine (as it were) passes and feeling very smooth indeed.

SOTD 02/23/20

Excellent three pass shave today with my Cooper Monobilt, a remarkably efficient razor with a unique folding snap closure razor head design. I have the high level enabling skills of the Cooper Owner's Club at TSD to thank for kicking my RAD into gear several months ago, but I definitely do not regret the purchase of this highly efficient razor. I always enjoy my shaves with it. Part of the pleasure involves simply preparing the razor for the shave.

I inserted a Suneko blade, snapped the head closed after ensuring that the end tab of the blade was sitting under the hinge. This process is well engineered and always seats the blade perfectly for me. I then lathered up with my favorite Boar brush, the Omega Pro48 and had at it. Three smooth passes later and the baby was put to bed, another bloodless BBS. The Chiseled Face Cryogen AS Splash left me feeling clean, smooth, very cool and ready for church! I wish everyone a happy Sunday! I especially wish my two friends shaving with their newly acquired SS DLC Coated Lupos a great shave!

RAZOR: Cooper Monobilt
BLADE: Suneko
PREP: Cold water rinse
BRUSH: Omega Pro48 Boar
SOAP: Mitchell's Wool Fat
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by Thayers Lavender WH and finished with Chiseled Face Cryogen AS Splash

Sotd - yesterday - Saturday the 22nd of February

Prep - facial scrub
razor - PAL Injectomatic
blade - vintage Schick single (?)
brush - Wee Scot tortoiseshell LE
soap - Haslinger sheep
post - witch hazel
a/s - Nivea 2 in 1
balm - none needed
scent - Sauvage parfum.

Result - great - my face has forgiven me for cutting it up a treat last week. Two shaves with Kent/MWF and Haslinger yesterday seems to have done the trick - both soaps that are pretty much unsurpassed in skin care in my experience. The only ones that come close - in my opinion - are artisan products that have castor oil in the formula. The Wee Scot is a natural companion to the Haslinger - being both of diminutive dimensions. It is a superb brush for face lathering - precise - the knot has a lovely scritch to it - and it will hold as much lather as you need. If you are okay with badger you should try one - if you haven't already. I enjoyed using the PAL - I think I'll break open a new pack of Japanese twin blades and revisit my Schicks for the foreseeable. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend and shave well - yours - I.

Oh - does anyone know if there is any difference between these two packs of WS blades? - other than packaging and price - the one on the left was two euros 55 cents - the other - 4.65 euros. Back labeling indicates same place of manufacture - I do notice that the design of the more expensive ones matches the branding used on the packaging of their recent tto razor. Marketing scam?
Smells somewhat scam-esque to me, Iain. Maybe the cynic in me, though.