SOTD Saturday 24th September - Friday 30th

Shower pre shave prep,
Taylor's of old Bond Street lemon and lime,
Pure badger brush, Haryali
Gillette fat boy(5) G1
7'oclock yellow(3)
Wilkinsons witchazel
Aud isphahan EDP,

A fat boy to shave a fat boy, interesting,
The 7'oclock shaved well, though I got the feeling that it was past its best,
Just one tiny Nick, that small though I never bothered with it, obviously I have been using harder brushes, as this one seemed soft, it worked up a lather quickly though, a good days shave.
SOTD 20160924

Brush: custom finest 2-band / porcelain handle.
Shaving bowl: Epsilon.
Shaving cream: Wars Classic (from Poland).
Razor: Titanium SSSeygus Extrem SB.
Blade: Rapira Super Stainless Chrome (6).
After shave: Floid Black.

The shaving cream has a fresh citrus like scent (vaguely Arko) and makes a fine lather.
Need to practice a few rounds with this razor - this time it feels better than
the previous time (shaving angle ?)

Result: DFS++

Have a nice day, gentlemen !
Saturday 24th
ARKO Maximum Comfort Cream
Cadman Custom Synthetic
Radio 1912 w/GEM Stainless #6
Alum > Duru Lemon Cologne
Gillette Pro 3in1 Balm

Cracking Shave Gromit!!!
Perfect prop for today's 'Close Shave' :
4th cream of the week and 'Maximum Comfort' is my favourite scent of the ARKO creams.
The recently acquired Radio 1912 gave me the expected great 1912 shave. Plus the handle does look good.

Great shaves everyone!
It's a strainge thing this picking up on different scents, many people seem to get aniseed as the main scent but for me it's hidden away in the background and I'm picking up cloves and mixed spice and maybe a touch of cinnamon then right in the back ground I'm picking up aniseed. Which leads me to believe that a lot of people given something to smell will be sensitive to one smell and that smell will overpower the rest where others may not be over sensitive to any particular smell and be able to pick out individual notes of a scent, but you liked it that's the main thing, if you get the chance try the bay rum.....fantastic.
When I opened the Spice Road it was (for me) just aniseed. This tails off when I lather it up to an acceptable level and it still lingers on your skin after the shave, which I like, but you don't smell like a sweet shop. My dog however can't stop sniffing my face!

I've been intrigued with the Bay Rum scent, I've no idea what it's like and it's been one I've wanted to try. But now I've experienced OSP lather then I think this is the manufacturer I'm going to try it with along with the Menthol and Eucalyptus
Back in circulation following a short vacation at Her Majesty's Pleasure. No questions please, as the anger management course is still ongoing.

Prep: Fitjar soap
Soap: Wickham 1912 Russian Leather (oh, my giddy aunt!)
Razor: Cobra 2
Blade: Feather Professional
A/S: Speick

Really enjoyed the Wickham soap and, after looking at the Cobra in trepidation for a year or so, finally plucked up the necessary to use it. What a charming shave.