SOTD : Saturday 25th December-Friday 31st December 2021.

Prep: Face wash Simple face wash
Pre: None
Razor: Supply (dot 2 plate)
Blade: Personna (1)
Brush: Razorock Barber 24mm
S Soap: OSP Business time
Post: OSP Business Time AS

I moved over to dot 2 plate for the last few shaves and yes this is more what I'm after. More efficient, less irritation as not a lot of buffing was needed. I have been getting some great shaves and decided for today to switch blades from the Schick blade to Personna.

One word (actually two) - blood bath. Lots and lots of wheepers. Going on my first pass I was very impressed on how smooth the blade felt in comparison to schicks. And then on second pass they started to appear. I was careful with the amount of pressure applied as I knew it was a new blade but no. I proceeded to the third pass and things only got worse. Needless to say the styptic pen got its workout for today.

OSP soap was an absolute pleasure to use. Lovely scent and great lathering capabilities. Definitely not to blame for today's fiasco.
It may well be the blade is too sharp for my liking so I will persevere and have another few outings with it before making the final decision.

Wishing you all a happier year ahead!


Dec. 30, 2021 - Facial sacrifice

  • Prep: Hot Shower
  • Brush: Declaration grooming B11 28mm Snowblivion
  • Razor: ATT SE2 atlas handle
  • Blade: Feather super pro (and here I thought it was feather pro) (3)
  • Lather: House of Mammoth - Santa noir
  • Post Shave: Alum block, House of Mammoth - Santa noir splash, Bluebeards revenge aftershave balm (aloe-vera)
Damn - I don't think I had such bad shave to date yet. Chopped myself up quite a bit.

I thought I had Feather pro in the razor, but turned out I put feather super pro... Paired with fairly aggressive razor and me being not as careful as I'd be knowing super pro is in there... Safe to say, across two passes with feather super pro (for atg I switched to the actual feather pro) I did get a fair few weepers and one small cut. Worst shave I had to date, definitely!

Face was left a bit sore afterwards with irritation in quite a few places (lit up like a christmas tree lol) - so cold water splash it was, alum block to stop the bleeding, Santa noir splash and then after 10 or so minutes good dose of bluebeards revenge aftershave balm - that includes a nice dose of aloe vera. Face is still feeling slightly rough towards the end of the day.

You live or you learn I guess - will see how face feels tomorrow and then decide whether a day of rest is in order or not.
Thursday AM 2021-12-30
National Falling Needles Day

Rooney 1/2 Faux Horn Finest (24/50)
Ethos Grooming Succès shaving soap
LASSC BBS-1/Triad Aristocrat Black
Personna Super Platinum Chrome (1)
Ethos Grooming Succès aftershave

It seemed appropriate to use the Succès software while we're experiencing the effects of a Pineapple Express weather pattern. Probably my favorite of the stock Ethos product lines. And the BBS-1 certainly brings out the best in any blade, making for a very smooth shave.
My condolences to you and your family are this difficult time.

take a day off and next time if it happens I recommend this. I only use it in extreme cases but it's really great


SOTD: 30/12/2021

Razor: Pearl Flexi
Blade: Viking Sword, 1st use
Brush: Akkawoodnresin Handle And Dscosmetic Bodger Knot
Bowl: Captains Choice Copper Lather Bowl Standard Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: Hampshire Wool Fat No. 1 Puck
Aftershave: Stirling Christmas Eve EDT
Balm: L’Oreal Men Expert Reinforcing Aftershave Balm
Additional Care: Osma Laboratoires Alum Block

The Bodger is slowly breaking in but still has a little scratchy feel to it. However it made short work of the HWF creating the most lather I’ve ever had from this soap. The aftershave brightened up the unique HMF scent. The Flexi has been a very enjoyable razor ever since I got it on its 2nd run. This is one of the good ones that snuck through the V2 run without any issues.
Overall a great shave only one little nick under the nose which was purely my fault for rushing it but never the less a very enjoyable shave.
Enjoy the rest of the day guys.
So after a fairly busy week or so. Where most of my shaves were 'need to' rather than 'want to'.... I decided before I go to bed I'm gonna have a shower and then enjoy a relaxing shave.
So here's what I used.... Simples.

Razor: Trusty Gillette Slim Adjustable
Blade: multi used Astra Green
Brush: DIY Black re-handled WS knot.
Soap: WS blue bowl.
Aftershave: Cien Men AQUA After Shave.

So how did it go? Was it the best shave I've ever had? No! But it was the nicest shave I've had in weeks.
Nothing fancy, just a good old shave. Nice and relaxed, not rushing to some meeting on zoom.

It made me realize, that I need to start making more time again for the things I enjoy.

Fri 31 SOTD
Soap Ariana & Evans Asian Plum
Brush Yaqi 26mm Rainbow Synthetic
Razor RazoRock GC.84-P on Yaqi Razzo Rocket Handle
Blade American Shave Platinum 2nd
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel Wintergreen + Yaqi Malibu Splash
The soap has a nice enough scent & lather with good slickness. Used sparingly because only have a small amount and hence not the usual luscious cone...The razor is undoubtedly great but as always the shave quality will be determined by the blade, and this blade is just awesome! The pairing was just smooth and very efficient in 3passes for a bbs finish. The aftershaves were awesome as well!