Straight Razor Shave of the Day

I can see your SR journey is cranking up...well done and keep it up...
Yes, cheers, funnily enough it's where I started, and probably would've stayed but I won a PIF with a DE included. I've got about 5 straight razors which I've kept going on diamond balsa but I have only just got the means to properly home them now, thanks to Mark, so I'm kind of starting again. But not on work days due to time.
Ohhh yesss...diamond balsa is good and that's my mainstay means of razor maintenance, although I am still trying very hard to get my razor edges up to the level of the diamond balsa using natural stones. Yes too regarding the time required to spend on honing...this morning I finally completed honing my 2nd razor successfully 2 weeks after starting...hahaha
Looking forward to hearing about your successes...