The Bodyshop Synthetic Shave Brush

United Kingdom
Does anyone have any experience of using this ? Would you recommend it ? All of the reviews on their website are very good but I never tend to trust them ?

If its not can anyone recommend any other synthetic brushes ? I only badger is supposed to be best but I don't really agree with it ethically.
Deckchair_Blue said:
Glad I didn't get one today then, any ideas on a low cost brush ? Those muhle ones look nice but a tad pricey

Cheap and synthetic doesn't usually equal quality, IMO.:icon_cry2: Some rate the Omega Syntex, but I've never tried one, so cannot comment as to how good it is.:s
Chris- I thought that would be the case, I know it is a long term investment, but as you say, seems a lot when I'm so used to paying very little for stuff in comparison, that's just something I'll have to get used to.

Fido- not really, same process really isn't it ? Just a different animal. I've read about horse hair brushes being a good alternative, anyone know anything about them ?

We used to have an expert on horse hair brushes - I think it was Urban Hermit - but he hasn't posted in ages. The hair is certainly ethical, as it's obtained from tail and mane during grooming, and I know that Vie-Long are the favoured manufacturers. I seem to recall that different blends of mane and tail hair imparted different characteristics, stiffness/backbone in particular, so that some were floppier and best-suited to painting-on lather made in a lather bowl, and others were ideal for face-lathering hard soaps.
Deckchair_Blue said:
I've read about horse hair brushes being a good alternative, anyone know anything about them ?

I got this Vie Long brush off Secret Santa this year:

I've had it in regular use ever since. The feel is noticeably different to my badger brushes but it's equally effective and works really well for both soaps and creams. It's also got good backbone for face lathering.

As you can see, it's not too expensive and you'll get good results. Probably a much better bet than a cheap synthetic brush and is still produced without harming the animals.

Ah yes, that's jogged my memory! I think I read that a ratio of 1:1 tail:mane was floppier as mane hair is softer than tail, whereas more tail hair meant a brush with greater backbone. I reckon the OP could be well-advised to get himself one!
I have a Rod Neep horse brush and find it extremely floppy with no backbone. It was a freebie to a few TSR members a while back. As floppy as it is you can produce a fantastic amount of lather with it from cream. No use for soap though.
I think we may have hit the nail on the head guys, those Vie Long ones seem to have enough tail hair to be pretty stiff, and come in a good range for me, so I can get a cheaper starter brush then a nicer looking one in the long term.