The burn, the burn!!!

Going to watch this one :icon_cheesygrin: see what happens

Right now you're the one trying to convince the local mail population that what they've been doing is useless. I'm sure many people including myself are happy for you being able to get amazing shaves with cartridges and canned goo, but it so happened that I, for instance, cannot.
And since 90% of my friends and colleagues hate shaving, it would be logical to assume that in at least some way what we're doing is better.
Ah yes, but what I'm saying is if you started monkeying about with all the lotions, potions, pre-shaves and what-not then shaves with whatever razor might have been better.

I'm not trying to get anyone to shave with anything else. All I'm doing is pointing out the fact that the boards are full of advice telling people "how to make DE shaving work" which seems to me a load of sanctimonious old cobblers to be honest.

I don't give a monkeys chuff what anyone shaves with.

Yeah but we need to know if the monkeys chuff has been shaved and if so, what with and what the results were :icon_razz:
joe mcclaine said:
Ah yes, but what I'm saying is if you started monkeying about with all the lotions, potions, pre-shaves and what-not then shaves with whatever razor might have been better.

Again - not for me. My first DE shaves were with Nivea gel, and they were already better than cartridge ones, despite of prep and lack of technique.
joe mcclaine said:
All I'm doing is pointing out the fact that the boards are full of advice telling people "how to make DE shaving work" which seems to me a load of sanctimonious old cobblers to be honest.

I think the boards are full of advice telling people "how to make shaving work".

Yes, it tends to focus on DE razors as thats what the majority here seem to use, but I don't think it's exclusive to that.

Advice along the lines of

Don't use too much pressure
Make sure you have a good lather
Keep your face well moisturised
Don't use alcohol based After Shaves

are all valid whether using a DE, a cartridge, or a straight. The type of razor makes no difference.

I still use a cartridge razor now and again as I can pack it in my Hand Luggage for short Business trips. I still follow all the same other routines when shaving as I would if I was DE shaving. At the end of the day I think I get a better shave with a DE, and my face feels more comfortable afterwards than when I use a cartridge razor.

I am not saying DE shaving is better, but for me it is as a cartridge shave always leaves my skin feeling a bit more tender and I tend to get more ingrown hairs.

Some people get on fine shaving with a cartridge and some Goo, my son does and he has no intention of switching to a DE as he is perfectly happy shaving the way he does today.

@ Gigahurtz

Sorry we went Off Topic for a bit, but glad you seem to be finding the answers to a more comfortable shave.
Gigahurtz said:
Thanks to all advice im back!!!! Had a great shave this morning. The lather tip worked most.

Thank you all.

If you ignore the arguments that chip off round hear!!!
I hope that your morning shave will be a better experience from now on:icon_cool:
Each to their own and whatever floats your boat is fine!

I used to enjoy cartridge shaving and most always got very good results with nary a nick, scrape or burn, usually BBS. I used two Gillette and a Wilkie for each shave.

My morning ritual was so enjoyable, a celebration of masculinity, manliness, cahones that I looked for a way of enhancing my experience. DE shaving was it, now beginning to include straight shaving - the faffing and learning is all part of the pleasure and enjoyment.

I don't suppose it's any good for wham-bammers and those in a hurry to be someplace else, but I'm retired, I have time, I love the self-indulgence.

I love a forum where bristley men use words like 'exfoliate' and discuss the smells and merits of stuff in all sorts of cans and jars and botttles - and go absolutely ape over their collections, especially vintage razors.

It's a celebration of being men in a world where masculinity is not greatly admired and pc new-men are. The women on the forum seem to get this and co-exist with us peacefully, are part of it. What's not to like about traditional shaving???

Well, razor burn and a blunt Derby are pretty bad, I suppose.

Hope this isn't going too far off piste from the OP.

Agree that most of us tend to do a much better prep when we switch to single blade shaving from cartridge razors with a squirt of foam/gel. No doubt this would give better results with a cartridge as well as with a single blade. I initially switched to DE after becoming increasingly peeved at the cost of big brand cartridges and the, in my view, unnecessary trend for umpteen blades. If memory serves me, of cartridges I got along best with twin blades - Contour, Protector, Sensor. I neither particularly enjoyed nor disliked shaving - it was just a necessary task. Now I enjoy the routine - the me time - and the pleasure of a great shave. At the moment I don't own a cart razor, having binned my Quattro about a month into making the switch, but I'm thinking of getting a Sensor or Contour for those occasions when a no-nonsense, reliably decent, very quick shave is necessary. They have their place. Can't see me ever going back to foam/gel, however.

Re. cost, I don't like spending more on things than I need to, never have (perhaps it's the Scots line of my ancestry, or maybe I'm just a tight ass!). Haven't yet succumbed to any acquisition disorders and am definitely shaving more cheaply (but far better) than I used to with carts n goo - it can be done! That's not a challenge to try to lead me astray by the way!
lindyhop66 said:
One more thing. After rinse the lather off with warm water, use lots of cold water on your face. It is really helpful. I've even used an ice pack or ice cube on my face.

Even better - shave with cold water all along
lindyhop66 said:
Wow! Is it really possible to get a close, irritation-free shave with cold water?

Never looked back since I switched to it. No irritation whatsoever, good for skin in long term too. I do however make lather with warm water - simply because it's faster. I also apply my lather to a dry face - as recommended by the old shave manual.
In fact, I used to get irritation on my neck all the time until switching.
Dry face, warm lather and you rinse the razor with cold water? Do you shave after a hot shower or can you just do it anytime and get good results?