The milk of human kindness


Sunny Cornwall
As some of you may have seen, I have listed a few pieces of shaving gear on BST to help fund the treatment of my lovely dog Taz who has just been diagnosed with diabetes and will need blood tests and life saving insulin for the rest of his life.

I was contacted by @SteveD who simply asked for my Paypal address and then sent me a donation to go towards the treatment of Taz!
What a wonderful gesture, people like Steve make this fourm such a wonderful place and I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
Give yourself a big Pat on your back Steve, you're a star and I'm sure everyone who reads this will agree. Many thanks,

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My good fried Pat ( @patw ) not only bought a lovely brush for himself but he was generous enough to pay a fair bit more than I was asking for, yet another act of kindness on this fourm and Chris ( @Boycie83 ) has put up for sale a bundle of gear with the proceeds to go towards the treatment of my little boy Taz, I can't thank you enough for your big hearts. Well done chaps. Paul & Taz
I am genuinely overwhelmed by the offers of help, be it members putting gear up for sale in order that the proceeds go towards the ongoing treatment of Taz and members just wanting my PayPal email so they can make a donation, members paying more than the asking price of the shaving gear I've been selling........ What a wonderful lot of people you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you all.image.jpeg
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In just over a week the sum of £300.00 has been raised by cash donations and the proceeds of the sale of shaving related items that members have very kindly donated.
£300.00 will pay for the two lots of blood tests, and examinations, one Taz has already had and the second one he is having on Monday.
You know who you all are and a couple did not want to be mentioned anyway, so give yourselves a big pat on the back and just know what a difference you have made.
I am still busy trying to sell the bulk of my shaving gear so I can afford the daily insulin injections that Taz will need for the rest of his life, he's worth it and still has a good few years left in him and I cherish every moment I have left with him.

Thank you all,

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In just over a week the sum of £270.00 has been raised by cash donations and the proceeds of the sale of shaving related items that members have very kindly donated.
£270.00 will pay for the two lots of blood tests, and examinations, one Taz has already had and the second one he is having on Monday.
You know who you all are and a couple did not want to be mentioned anyway, so give yourselves a big pat on the back and just know what a difference you have made.
I am still busy trying to sell the bulk of my shaving gear so I can afford the daily insulin injections that Taz will need for the rest of his life, he's worth it and still has a good few years left in him and I cherish every moment I have left with him.

Thank you all,

Wishing you both well and good work members of TSR!
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