This Blade Surprised Me

We've all received sampler packs of blades with other purchases and for most of the time I just put them aside and stick with the blades I know and like. Now I was looking through my cabinet and noticed a tuck of Perma-Sharp blades by Gillette. I had never tried them and didn't know where they came from or what they arrived with. I decided wth and loaded one up and began my shave.
Well, what a terrific shave...smooth, comfortable, no irritation, nicks, wipers etc. I was amazed. Next was to see what kind of longevity the blade would provide. I finished my 6th shave yesterday and it's still giving me very good performance with 2 passes and some buffing.
I generally reach for Feathers, Wizamets and PolSilvers with the odd ninja, Nacet thrown in. I have noticed over time that Feathers, for me are generally done after 4 shaves and the performance goes downhill rapidly. The rest of my blades give me anywhere from 6-10 shaves. I might just be binning some of them a bit too soon. So I'm going to be doing some extended usage on my other blades...just to see what they're capable of. I have enough blades that I really don't need to do this, but I am curious as to what the long term capabilities are. My razors (8) are all excellent shavers and I do use a different razor each time.
I was so impressed with the Perma-Sharps I bought 100 of them from for under $16 Cdn. That's a great deal...AND I used my visa points so the blades and shipping wound up costing me...nothing. Yahoo!
The Perma-sharps in the red and gold packaging? I've found them to be extremely smooth blades for me and are some of my favorite Gillettes.
Yes, sorry about the delay. I also did a not-so scientific study on blade longevity and found the P-S was in the tops as far as getting good shaves for an extended period of usage. I actually got to 10 shaves on the P-S, with different razors. By that time it took me 3 passes and buffing but still comfortable with very little alum sting. I think I'll be going with approx 8 shaves per blade with this brand. Feathers rarely if ever, get past 4 shaves before tugging, weepers and noticeable alum sting.
Yes, sorry about the delay. I also did a not-so scientific study on blade longevity and found the P-S was in the tops as far as getting good shaves for an extended period of usage. I actually got to 10 shaves on the P-S, with different razors. By that time it took me 3 passes and buffing but still comfortable with very little alum sting. I think I'll be going with approx 8 shaves per blade with this brand. Feathers rarely if ever, get past 4 shaves before tugging, weepers and noticeable alum sting.

They are very good blades for me. I first purchased them some years ago from a Turkish online shaving store, and I've tried to keep them in my rotation since.
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