To celebrate 50000 posts here...

There was a soapmaker called Nanny
A chemist -- yet not pakistani
Her soap-making skills
Are are old as the hills
For she's a bewhiskered great-granny
There was a soapmaker called Nanny
Whose investments were nothing but canny
She made so much money
She bought out Armani
And had more jewels than Princess Euganie
I knew it, PC's first limerick was a complete fluke and just happened include his area of expertise.

Pigcat on bondage is just charcuterie. Non?
There was a soapmaker called Nanny
People questioned if she had a fanny
But she sent me a PM
To prove she's a femme
I hereby declare her not a tranny

And it took me two days to think of that...
Cleaner one

There was a soapmaker called nanny
She searched every nook and cranny
She found the shavin room
As comfortable as a womb
And now it fits like a tammy
There was a soapmaker called nanny
Got fed up with talk of her ‘fanny’
Now all Google shows
Are some links to her toes
And other strange parts of anatomy
There was a soapmaker called Nanny
Who once visited Glastonbury
She sold bugger all soap
'Cause she'd had a large toke
On a spliff, not to mention an E
There was a soapmaker called nanny
Smokin’ ‘E’s! she never did any
Just got a bit chilled
To the music she thrilled
Held her nose in the long drops like many
Apologies in advance.

There was a soapmaker called Nanny
Who thought tallow a load of old fanny
The first soap she made
Was slicker than Cade*
...But then, so is spunk from a tranny.**

*Hate Cade
** So I've heard...
There was a soapmaker called Nanny
Got fed up with being called a Tranny
Her feminine wiles
Had the men come for miles
Just to see her knit yoghurt, and dally.
Naked Ape said:
Apologies in advance.

There was a soapmaker called Nanny
Who thought tallow a load of old fanny
The first soap she made
Was slicker than Cade*
...But then, so is spunk from a tranny.**

*Hate Cade
** So I've heard...


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