TOBS PIF ###Closed - no more joiners please###


May I counsel a little patience here? Why not wait to see what postie brings on Monday before sending the box on?

It would be good to have the whole PIF together and you avoid the extra expense of sending two parcels.

Sound advice, but MrK1 thinks it really should have arrived by now ... it's been a while. I don't mind the expense, the next guy is not bothered about the potentially incoming cream, so if it turns up, I'll punt it onto the guy after

I know, given the cost of the products we're dealing with, we're pretty much propping up the newly privatised Royal Mail between us, but ... you know ... new businesses need a helping hand. Generosity and kindness is priceless ... if I can facilitate that with a little cash, so be it.

Your PIF has moved on to the next guy now anyway - we want to get it down before the Christmas rush.

Phew! Glad they arrived. I was beginning to worry we'd lost the lot ...

So, yes, disappointingly, MrK1's appears to have fallen into the RM's black hole. I popped a couple of sample products in to pass on to the last guy who, sadly, will not get a TOBS, but hopefully it will make up the disappointment.

If the next three guys want to add their own so the last guy gets a fun surprise, please do ...

I've shaved with my Eton College and absolutely loved it. Cheers, Carl.

Me next I think, PM on the way.
No panics either I have a tube of TOBS that was piffed to me a year (or more?) ago and, due to plethora of other things, has had minimal usage. I'm sure the original donor won't mind if I send it down the line.

Well Charliej and flip-68 your luck is definitely in, parcel received today and I have no intention of putting anything that smells like either of them on my face. So both with the extras/consolation prizes will be winging their way onward; I'll keep my tube unless anyone wants to add themselves on?