UK meteorology

Right-oh. I'm wearing a three-piece but will investigate gloves and scarf! I'll be back on your case in a few days time for an update!
Latest computer models and Met Office FAX charts (produced by forecasters from model outputs) suggest that the milder, cloudier conditions currently appearing will last until Saturday night (good news for the wedding, Burgundy - not too cold (9-10C), dry but cloudy); thereafter, a few brighter, sunnier days with the return of overnight frosts. Late next week shows the blocking, mid-latitude upper High* drifting away to the south-east, leading to milder, more unsettled conditions from the Atlantic. This transition will be in the north initially but will spread south by the period around the 10th-12 December. Daytime maxima probably in the 12-15C range in the south; 8-12C further north. No sign of any massive storms, but wet weather with stronger winds are likely. Beyond this, we have to rely on longer-range models and what are called ensemble outputs; these suggest there MAY be a colder spell of weather towards Christmas, but this is subject to change and is not universally-shown - some are going for mild south-westerlies by that period.

* I really must post some weather terminology definitions!