What are you waiting on to arrive?

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That logic works for me!

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Don't know where your from but if it's any use to anyone I have seen quite a few of these Gillette aftershaves in a little shop in Brighouse Yorkshire think they had 3 or 4 different ones, think they had the wild rain but not certain anyway it's a pound superstore opposite the tobacconist if anyone is interested they were only about £2 each
Typically I was born and bread in yorkshire, but now I live in Bedford.... , can't catch a break.... My wife will be pleased we live far away mind .
On that note.... Anyone one else find that when you want to buy something "it's not worth it" "we can't really afford it" "your sad! Why don't you sell some of your brushes"
But when your wife wants to buy something suddenly we seem to have access to Some secret funding that wasn't there an hour earlier...
Hobbies stash is the way to go. Every little counts as they say.
As a early birthday present to myself 'which is in June' i've been umming and arring about adding a Valet Auto Strop VC1 or a Gem chromatic OC to my SE vintage razor collection..The Gem Chromatic OC's i found where OTT prices and not in the best condition and all had to be shipped from USA, so i've went for the Valet Auto Strop VC1, purely because it's in the UK with no import or hidden expenses & it's in decent condition plus i can modify my gem blades to shave with it.I look forward to giving it a outing when it arrives.

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I order stuff about every 2nd day....mostly usual ebay crap, I am waiting on a two SR leather case, some pins n washers for one on my Sr's, a kilo of vitos soap, another SR..a Ben Hur that I liked the scales on, another paddle strop for paste ( I pasted a linen strop onto a paddle...but dont like the feel/feedback, it did have cushioning under the linen.
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