What is your No.1 brush type preference?

What is your No.1 brush type preference?

  • Boar

  • Badger

  • Synthetic

  • Horse

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Not really so easy to vote for a single type. I voted for horse as my number one preference for its versatility - it can be used for almost any soap, cream, face lathering or bowl. But my problem is that even at the age of 73 I have oily skin which needs exfoliating to avoid pimples so I mainly use boar for that reason. The alternative would be to use a face scrub prior to shaving which I don;t like. Then again I do like a synthetic tuxedo knot. The one type which gets my emphatic NO is badger which is way too soft.
Synthetic never failed to make a quality lather from any type of soap. I do like the feel of the broken in boar but it needs to be soaked properly and requires more attention with water and soap ratio which I can't really be bothered on morning shaves.
synthetic. no question.

I started with boars something like twenty years ago but switched to synthetic about nine years ago. I went down to only having a single synthetic for five of those till it needed replacing.

I usually just use the same brush for most of my shaves. I have a couple smaller ones for traveling but I don't rotate a collection or anything when shaving at home.
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Synths are great at building a flawless lather every single time. But where's the fun in that? I still enjoy using them but I never have the fun of using other brushes like boars.

I always come back to boar brushes. I find them to be incredibly inconsistent, for example the same model of Omega boar brush will different batch numbers, some might be stiff and pokey and another will be soft and floppy. I really enjoy the inconsistency, there's an element of pot luck to it.

I tried a few badger brushes and despised them, I sometimes think I'm missing out on them, but I'm happy with my collection of synths and boar brushes.
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