What made your day a good one

Years ago Mrs Satanfriendly bought a cheap Chinese made grandfather clock from some closing down sale. Pile of garbage, and missing the pendulum. So stuck it in the hallway and thought nothing of it...until recently.

Decided to make it in to a floor light, cobbled a 110cm long pendulum together and bugger me very happy. And damn, it holds time within a minute a day.

Oddly it adds an extra ring in every hour, so at 6 O'Clock you get 7 chimes, 7 O'Clock 8 chimes etc etc.

Must be a house of Satan thing to confuse the man himself. And it does

i have a few mechanical clocks, could you see if you can unscrew the nut that holds the hour hand on, you might be able to move it to the right hour for the chime.
and set it up so it chimes bang on the hour.
ps. not an expert by any means.
i have a few mechanical clocks, could you see if you can unscrew the nut that holds the hour hand on, you might be able to move it to the right hour for the chime.
and set it up so it chimes bang on the hour.
ps. not an expert by any means.

I shall try that and thanks.

The clock only cost £20 and £15 for the lighting bits
If you get 13 chimes at midnight get it out of the house!!!
i have a few mechanical clocks, could you see if you can unscrew the nut that holds the hour hand on, you might be able to move it to the right hour for the chime.
and set it up so it chimes bang on the hour.
ps. not an expert by any means.

So tried it and now?......it's gone totally weird. It chimes once for the half hour at... quarter past, and then the hourly chime at quarter to the hour. Oh, and now 4 behind!

All I can think is 'bollocks to it. It tells the time correctly and make a noise in the background now and then'
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i would wait for it to chime the hour, stop the pendilum and set it to whatever time it has chimed.
Something that has stuck with me for a few days ...

We've just been away for a short break and where we stayed adjoins a field of land which has a lovely white donkey. Maybe a couple of years ago that donkey was in a bit of a state with poor fur and not very interested in much, but today he's in great shape. This time, he's joined by another donkey - brown and black colouring and a bit dishevelled. I think we can take a wild guess that these are rescued animals.

After dinner one evening we took a stroll up the lane and waiting until this new donkey came over. He was timid and shy, but we got to stroke him and talked to him a bit. The next evening, we did the same ... and his reaction was quite magical.

He perked his ears up, head literally rubbernecked and then he let out the loudest heeee-haw you could imagine. Jumping on the spot for a bit and then head lolling from side to side he lolloped up the gate still bellowing away! He was so happy to see us. Again, we had a good chat and chin scratch, head scratch, cheek scratch.

Lovely animal.

When we left he was curled up asleep right next to his feed with his head just gently rocking. I like to think he was in a very happy food coma.

To say we took a break away for a recharge from the daily grind, that donkey did more to lift my spirits and my energy than really any other part of the break. I do hope his was improved by our interactions.
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