New SE razor - Rocnel

Looking like they are going to be swamped alright. I guarantee they weren't expecting the demand, and may just be regretting the price tag. This might actually be harder to get than a Mongoose!
My pre-order was acknowledged on-screen after submitting my details.

I don't think re-submitting duplicate pre-orders is going to help their situation, they're probably swamped as it is.
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I got an email from Murat eluding to the quantity that can be produced/week due to this simplified design - and you are not far off in your hopes ;)

I hope their order processing matches their production capacity asap.

I'd hate to be the poor sod manually handling all the pre-order enquiries. :eek:
Well guys, I need to say that Rocnel will not sell multiple razors to anybody in first batch. We all need to wait if we want a second or third one to give away as a gift. They have good production capabilities but still the demand is too high.

And they are actually thinking about outsourcing their sales operation to a Turkish shaving equipment vendor ( after supplying these pre-orders.
And they are actually thinking about outsourcing their sales operation to a Turkish shaving equipment vendor ( after supplying these pre-orders.

I can't say I'm surprised. :D

@ckeskin Do you happen to know if everyone who pre-ordered should expect an email response, and if not, will they still get their razor?
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