S.O.T.D. Saturday 4th June to Friday 10th June 2016

Friday AM 2016-06-10

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney 3/3 Finest (26mm/65mm)
Floris No. 89 shaving soap (tallow)
Hybrid Delta Echo-Stock Feather AS-D2/Triad Copper Rolling Hexagon
Perma-Sharp Super (1)
Floris No. 89 aftershave (vintage)

Two Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Schick Adjustable Injector
NOS Schick Twin Injector Blade x 2
Mason Pearson Pure Badger
Haslinger Honey Tallow Soap
Humphrey's Witch Hazel

I had a Lovely Cold Water Shave Today with My Schick Adjustable & Twin Blade Combo..I Use Hot Water to Soften my Whiskers & Cold Water from there on in the Summer Months..I always use a Hot Blade though..I had an Incredible SR Shave Yesterday & Didn't have a Lot to Take Down..An Incredable Dolphin Smooth BBS Result & Very Comfortable Shave with these Twin Blades..;)

I am Enjoying & Appreciating Injectors even More these Days in between My SR Shaves..Just so Darn User Friendly Easy Peasy BBS Machines..:D:D

SOTD 10. June

Not much to mow, but felt necessary...

After a lunch shower (haircut):
Plisson L'Occitane with arko commander cream.
Unknown razor with Sputnik (?).
After Shave: Lotion Opaline.

The razor works, but feels a bit harsh on the skin due to the rough edges. Limited angle. Ok shave.

I'm intrigued by the after shave on right... Pure dyna... dynamite? :eek:
SOTD - June 10
Pre: Shower and NSS Old Grey Bristle Test Coconut Milk Pre Shave Soap
Razor: Muhle R41 / R89
Blade: Voskhod (2) / Voskhod (2)
Brush: Muhle Silvertip Fibre
Soap: NSS The Beef

Today I had my second shave with "The Beef". With the same razors and a Muhle Silvertip Fibre brush. The protection, cushion and glide of the soap was outstanding. I also used the NSS pre shave soap. The post shave was just great. No balm or A/S used.
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