Buying for the sake of it

At one time I owned around 20 razors. Vintage or new but all bought cheaply, except a FAC. I'm now down to maybe 6. Never owned more than 4 soaps or 3 brushes. The soaps were all cheap, Tabac being the dearest. Still got 2 EJ synthetics at £30 a pop.

You get my vote for the smartest man here then. ;)
great shaving is what seperates me from the beats at work. I drool over vintage razors. drool over soap that hasn't been made in 60 years.

They drool over the latest video game. and pokemon cards.

It's like quicksand. Dip a toe and before you know it, you're up to your neck in it :D I would like more razors (am contemplating a couple of SE purchases, a straight and associated gear), some more soaps (limited to a select few manufacturers) and more EDT. By the time they are all acquired, I dare say I'll have found something else to hoard in the wet shaving world.
the beats or beasts at work. they shave like once a month. they take pride in looking like bums.
I don't have 10 pairs of 90$ shoes, or buy a new shirt to wear at work every day. But I spent my money on razors
I believe Abraham Lincoln once said ... "Now, the World don' move to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you, might not be right for some."

You are correct! This quote came right from the Declaration of Independence speech that President Lincoln gave a while back. He was partly going for the Indian vote which is where the 'drum' reference showed up.
I have been at this lark for only 7 months and have four brushes, only 2 DE razors, one being a slant (oh and my first straight razor which arrived today), approx. 20 soaps/creams, 15 AS splashes, 10 colognes (including a 750ml bottle of Agua di Colonia concentrada that looks like a bottle of gin) and a few edp's. I also go to bed watching youtube videos on my ipad, with my earphones in, of half naked men in their bathrooms. Do I regret this new hobby? like hell I do...

last night my Mum and Dad were round for dinner and my wife was moaning that I was taking over our new bathroom cupboards. She proceeded to show my Mum the said cupboards. When my mother saw the evidence she turned round and said that she was getting a little worried about me and feared that I was becoming like my Uncle Stanley and Uncle Allen. Without going in to too much detail, lets just say, my Uncle Stanley never married and my Uncle Allen is not my real Uncle........
Having said all that, lets put it all in to perspective. I've probably not spent any more than my wife has spent playing golf this year and I still get to walk more than her, without it being spoiled by a bad golf shot....

There is no way that listening to a shaving podcast on my ipod will spoil my walk.....
I'm lucky so far, all I've received from my wife is a roll of the eyes and a tut. She does eye me suspiciously when she spots me watching, usually overweight men or a man in a bandanas lathering their faces. Most recently @Nishy lathering his hands !
For now though she's just happy it's not watching football on the telly.
I have been at this lark for only 7 months and have four brushes, only 2 DE razors, one being a slant (oh and my first straight razor which arrived today), approx. 20 soaps/creams, 15 AS splashes, 10 colognes (including a 750ml bottle of Agua di Colonia concentrada that looks like a bottle of gin) and a few edp's. I also go to bed watching youtube videos on my ipad, with my earphones in, of half naked men in their bathrooms. Do I regret this new hobby? like hell I do...

last night my Mum and Dad were round for dinner and my wife was moaning that I was taking over our new bathroom cupboards. She proceeded to show my Mum the said cupboards. When my mother saw the evidence she turned round and said that she was getting a little worried about me and feared that I was becoming like my Uncle Stanley and Uncle Allen. Without going in to too much detail, lets just say, my Uncle Stanley never married and my Uncle Allen is not my real Uncle........
My Mrs laughs that I've got more soaps and smellies than her! Still she knew I wasn't a classically manly man when she married me :)

God's rainbow's got all the colours in it ;)
It's the chase, isn't it. I keep on wanting more. Whenever I don't have anything underway, it's just not the same. And here I am, talking about how shaving is meditation and zen and whatnot (which it is, too).

Bloody hell, I'm addicted. At one point I need to rid myself of some of this.

Anyone for a Simpson Colonel?
It's the chase, isn't it. I keep on wanting more. Whenever I don't have anything underway, it's just not the same. And here I am, talking about how shaving is meditation and zen and whatnot (which it is, too).

Bloody hell, I'm addicted. At one point I need to rid myself of some of this.

Anyone for a Simpson Colonel?
I am the same Halvor, although I have now promised myself no more purchases till the end of August. This is to not fall into a trap of using equipment without understanding how it best operates. Saying that if certain things pop up that are of great interest my willpower may fade.
I am the same Halvor, although I have now promised myself no more purchases till the end of August. This is to not fall into a trap of using equipment without understanding how it best operates. Saying that if certain things pop up that are of great interest my willpower may fade.

Backbone has double meaning in this little world of ours ;)

So you're saying you haven't preordered this?
Backbone has double meaning in this little world of ours ;)

So you're saying you haven't preordered this?
Ouch! One of my favourite scents. However, no way too many soaps as of current. I received my Razor Master Pine soap today which has successfully completed my pine collection. Don't think I need any more, with the two P&B on the way.
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