News Flash! Erasmic shaving Soap...still *!%$£*" !!!

Arendal, Norway
Seasons greetings my pally chums...

So I posted in a SOTD on Monday that the Erasmic new version tallow shaving stick in the red box was much improved, and I did get decent lather and a good shave from it.
But today, sadly I have found that it is still woefully s**te.
It is definitely improved from the old, bright white, brittle, candle like thing that I was non tallow based.
However, this morning, I lathered up as usual...glanced my eyes away from the mirror and then as I looked up lather??? First I figured I was simply having a mild mental breakdown, hallucinating or perhaps junior Alzheimer's BUT.. Tried it again...faceful of fluffy lather...then kapow!! It magically dissipated into nothing more than what looked like detergent bubbles. Just for your information, the same brush was used, same amount of water ect..

"Extra-creamy lather gives the ultimate in shaving comfort" LIES!

So sorry folks if you were going to try this stick probably not worth the hasselhoff.
Not to slate Erasmic too harshly though... their cream and soap tub (Glycerin based) is decent enough.

Cheers .

Ta ra for now.

I would have to agree with Shaverrific, whilst the puck in the black bowl and the cream are perfectly decent, the stick is not worth tuppence, my tip if you are really determined to use the stick is to only lather and shave one side of your face at a time. if you do both the lather will have completely vanished from the second side by the time you get to it! My water is hard which does not help but you read reports from people with lovely soft water who also claim it to be shit soap!

i have hard water. and it lathers as well as la toja does.

you obviously cant figure out how to lather.
Must be that... pop us up a video and show us how it's done champ..and I will wait with baited breath to witness the majesty of your lathering skills. Thanks awfully. Remember it's the stick...not the tub. Much appreciated.
Looking forward to this..but I have to say I don't lather for 38 mins so maybe that's the key to the Erasmic stick. Thanks for your efforts!
All will be clear soon :D It's nearly finished encoding, then the upload to YouTube. It's not just one lather though, there's an awful lot of waffling and demonstrating, hell I even break into song at one point:p
Appreciate the vote of confidence there Nishy..:cool: however I was using my crayons earlier and I did put one up my nose.:rolleyes:
I actually just had a look at your lathering vid and it's really instructional..I salute you!
Lol water, brush, soap, a little trigonometry and throw in some Chaucer as simple as that. Oh and don't put your fingers in a socket after.
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