How many times a day do you shave?


Sunny Cornwall
I thought I would put the question out there... How many times a day do you shave?
Sometimes I will shave twice aday, once in the evening and again in the morning, it's not because I really need to shave it's just I like to do it!
If you really enjoy doing something then why not have that enjoyment again sooner than normal, a little gift to yourself, a little indulgence, some more me time....try it, I'm sure you will love it.
Everything has to be just so....heating on, no distractions, everything placed out in front of me, a feast for the eyes before i get down to the act of shaving.
Above all I take my time and savour every moment. Bliss.. I think I'm off for a shave now!
Good evening gent's.
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I shave every two to three days, I don't need to shave for work, when I used cartridges, I would quite often only shave once a week, because I hated it so much, I don't see the point in shaving every day, my beard is not very heavy.
I used to shave Monday, Wednesday and Fridays only. Holidays I rarely shaved. Since the DE then its everyday.

But since the R41 I'm giving up shaving on Saturdays so I have a 2 day growth to enjoy on Monday morning to run the rake through (or Sunday evening)
Yea I know what you mean, nothing quite like decimating a good bit of stubble! :)
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