S.O.T.D. Saturday 28th January to Friday 3rd Febuary 2017

SOTD: 31st January 2017.
C.Tues Shave..JPG
Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: hot shower:/Radox Fennel & Sea Minerals For Men shower gel/ warm wet flannel to my face.


3 Drops of Wilkinsons Shaving Oil: / Fruits: Rhubarb & Vanilla Body Butter.

Face Lather.

Razor: Muhle R41 .

Blade: Gillette Nacet. (new)

Brush: Omega Synthetic (S10065).

Face Lather.

Soap: Derby Shave Stick.

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Lavender oil & Witch Hazel Mixture./Calvin Klein Eternity A/S.

Tesco Sensitive Fragrance Free Body Lotion.

The R41/Nacet is such a excellent combo..a very efficient 3 pass + pick ups shave with no errors to report.A super smooth shave,to be honest two passes was more than ample, but i added another one + pick ups for the sheer pleasure of the shave.Enjoy your day,gentlemen.:cool:
Yesterday was a hard day for me, we lost one of our two guinea pigs completely unexpectedly and at a young age. I am absolutely devastated. Amazing how much a little creature like a guinea pig can get to you. Horrible.

We now have to find a new companion for our remaining pig, she's lost her sister and they are not solitary animals. It's going to be hard accepting a new pig (or two) into the fold, the one we lost had a special place in our hearts.

Sorry to hear of your loss. It's difficult regardless of whom/what is lost. The take-home from this is that you do have those fond memories and that special place in your heart. Having a new pet, especially after the loss of one, doesn't necessarily mean you have to 'replace' the former, or 'replace' the memories of the former. [We] lost our dog circa 3 years ago and my mam was unsure whether she'd get another one, as they were inseparable. Fortunately, she found some resilience and was able to contact the breeders we had ours from. Luck would have it that the bitch had just been covered and we were in line for one of the new puppies - mam had her reservations as she didn't want the new pup to be (too) dissimilar to the old.

What we now know is that they're worlds apart, but both have a special place in the hearts and minds of my immediate family. They both have their quirks and both are truly loved.

I hope you're feeling okay, given the circumstances, on behalf of us all at TSR. I'm sure you'll grow to love the new Guinea(s) like you did the old, and please don't feel you have to replace the former. Difficult though it may be, attempt to celebrate the life of, rather than mourning the loss of.
Sorry to hear of your loss. It's difficult regardless of whom/what is lost. The take-home from this is that you do have those fond memories and that special place in your heart. Having a new pet, especially after the loss of one, doesn't necessarily mean you have to 'replace' the former, or 'replace' the memories of the former. [We] lost our dog circa 3 years ago and my mam was unsure whether she'd get another one, as they were inseparable. Fortunately, she found some resilience and was able to contact the breeders we had ours from. Luck would have it that the bitch had just been covered and we were in line for one of the new puppies - mam had her reservations as she didn't want the new pup to be (too) dissimilar to the old.

What we now know is that they're worlds apart, but both have a special place in the hearts and minds of my immediate family. They both have their quirks and both are truly loved.

I hope you're feeling okay, given the circumstances, on behalf of us all at TSR. I'm sure you'll grow to love the new Guinea(s) like you did the old, and please don't feel you have to replace the former. Difficult though it may be, attempt to celebrate the life of, rather than mourning the loss of.
Lovely message, thanks :)
Hi Brad,
Good to hear from you. I'm not a fan of Public Enemy either, just thought it was funny. I saw the Roses at Spike Island, one of the best days life. I haven't been bothered about seeing them since they reformed.

I haven't used my SR for a couple of weeks. I've been pretty run down and had a nasty cough, so using the SR isn't the wisest thing to do. I'll be getting back in the saddle again the weekend. TBH I've been struggling to get a decent shave with a DE razor let alone a SR.

I hope you and your family are keeping well, mate.

Showing your age with the fact you seen them at spike island haha
Seen them twice now since they reformed would genuinely recommend going, they are absolutely quality.
I look forward to seeing your update matey,
All is well in the Bates household just looking forward to getting home now been a long cold month for sure
First shave for around 4-5 months since I've been travelling.

Prep - shower
Pre - none
Soap - La Toja stick
Blade - Gillette super thin
Brush - omega travel (can't remember the number)
Razor - dovo shavette
Post - Alum stick and a 1/2 and 1/2 mix of village barber and proraso green.

What a great shave it was!! Took a full beard of in one swipe. Went for a second touch up though it wasn't needed.

I made a little time lapse video you can see here (even if you don't have a twitter account.)

Tues 31st Jan

Vulfix 404 mixed
Vitos Red croap
The General SE with S/S Handle
Feather Pro [ 1 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse Off
Myrsol Antesol A/S Lotion

Having mastered a couple of SE Razors that take AC type blades , using Kai Pinks without any mishaps. Decided it was time to take the plunge and use a Feather Pro.

Chose to use a General with a S/S handle as I prefer the extra weight , finding the original
head/handle combo too light for me. This proved a good move , as blade feel was apparent from the off. Felt very easy to create a bit of blood if not careful.

The heft provided by the handle was great, as it allowed me to concentrate on using that weight to do the work. The Shave was smooth and efficient , and in what seemed no time at all I attained an Ultra Close shave, with no mishaps. Have to admit it was better than the excellent
shave of yesterday provided by The Streamline.

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