S.O.T.D. Saturday 11th Febuary to Friday 17th Febuary 2017

Monday 13th February 2017

SOTD 13th Feb.JPG
Pre Shave: Hot Shower, Bulldog Face Wash and Proraso Red
Razor: Gillette Slim (#5)
Blade: Polsliver SI (#1)
Brush: Kent BLK4
Soap: Tabac
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Thayers unscented
AS: Tabac

After my recent success using an Iridium Super I thought I would give the Polsilver SI another go, previous shaves with a Polsilver SI have been a bit disappointing, they are not the worst blade I have tried but were nothing like the Polsilver Stainless and I found the SI mediocre.

Well the Polsilver SI was better than I remembered but not by much, I will try the SI blade in the Fatip Piccolo, the Ikon 101 and maybe the Merkur 45C and see how it does in these razors.
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Hot water & argan oil.
Niazi 1908 Solingen 5/8.
Body Shop synth.
Williams mentholated cream.
Osage rub.
Argan oil.

What a beauteous shave. Very comfortable 2-pass, both with the grain (-ish, sort of XTG). Some spots are a bit more resistant to shaving so I have two definite patches which could be smoother either side of my Adam's apple. but I don't want to push it at this stage. Mowed hairs down tonight, however, so finished up with no nicks, no weepers, no cuts, no irritation. Only tidied up my neck while the stubble grows out. Finishing off with Osage rub (2x, I had a cold water rinse after the first application :cool: ) made for a lovely chilly shave! Roll on the next one.

Photo may pop up tomorrow.
Monday's shave set-up.

Pre-shave - Warm shower, Wright's Coal Tar Soap and Proraso Pre-shave Cream (green).
Razor - Muhle Rocca R96.
Blade - Gillette Nacet Platinum (day 3).
Soap - Proraso Eucalyptus & Menthol Soft Shaving Soap.
Brush - Simpsons Chubby 2 Synthetic Badger Hair Shaving Brush.
Post shave - Proraso After Shave Lotion Splash (green) and Proraso Eucalyptus Refreshing After Shave Balm.

Nice 2 pass shave, no issues. I am not convinced with the Nacet blades. For me and I appreciate YMMV, not as smooth as the Gillette Silver Blues or the Astra SP (green). Not going to throw the towel in yet, will keep going with the Nacet's.

All the best,

Soap: Valobra - Patchouli

Now I know what all the fuss is with Valobra. An absolutely top notch shave from this tallow soap.

Two other soaps worth trying, with one being the old AOS pucks made by Valobra. Still probably some NOS sealed ones still around in ebay for a reasonable price. Sandalwood is the one to grab if you like that frag.

Then you got C&S soaps which are also excellent but pretty expensive. Definitely a step up in performance from most other items, but you gotta like how they smell. Their #88 gets some wild reviews.


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