
Did you buy any Feathers in the end?

If you haven't and haven't tried them yet pm me your address and l'll PIF you some. Ive tried them a few times now and they aren't working for me. It's the only blade I've trouble with and I just seem to end up with weepers
Weepers here too but very smooth and the sharpest I've tried - deal with certain patches with the fewest passes that normally take more. Downside is more weepers and suspect a milder razor than a 34C would return less weepers.
tried a feather last shave. Seemed a bit draggy to me, no nicks, cuts or weepers. Resultant shave was very smooth but i did have some irritation, Astra sp's, personnas (from morrisons) and iridium supers seem to suit my face best at the moment. Going to try a 7 o'clock sharp edge yellow from the blade pif today...
They get better after a couple of shaves, they are too sharp for me to begin with, but after that get good. Not a go to blade for me.
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