12 shaves in - my thoughts

If you want an adjustable, you can't go wrong with a Progress. The plastic knob is how it has been done for a long time. It's not a cheap eyesore - it's retro. It's a classic. Mind you, I went for a brass Digress :D The brass knob does get patina, but a spot of Autosol/Brasso will take care of that in seconds if it bothers you.
At your age, a vintage 'birth-year' Gillette adjustable is also a stylish option. The Slim adjustable was made until 1968.
...Even though I'm fast approaching 50 years young, I've just had my 12th DE shave.

Why didn't I do it years ago I keep asking myself?...

Simple answer: you didn't know about it. No fault of your own, mind you. I started shaving circa. 1976 and even at that early date I knew little of safety razors and looked upon them as some sort of primitive "spokeshave" or "drawknife" due to the veritable barrage of advertising regarding the new Bic and Gillette disposable razors. Safety razors were even then treated as archaic relics to be feared, e.g., "you'll cut the s%$t out of yourself, son!" and were only to be used after a shaman like prep ritual!! :eek:

I was past 50 when I realized that was all BS that I, like the vast majority of the shaving public, swallowed hook, line & sinker. :oops:
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