1st shave with a Cobra

I have no idea where to post this - DE, SE or straight - so I've put it in General. How do you classify a Cobra - its part everything!

After using an iKon, I was not impressed with the ratttle fit of the Cobra. Everything is loose and jiggles until the locking cam/finger twist jams it all in place. It's a mean looking beast and I found the handle a tad unwieldy - triangular, lumpy on one side and mirror chromed on the other. Its a bit short for my large hands, too.

On this side of a first shave, I'm aware of some ground rules I didn't know about before I started.

1. DO NOT use a Cobra unless your face is blemish free - no nicks, cuts, spots, soreness, burn, nada from previous shaves. Young skin is desirable, to say the least.

2. ENSURE you comply with Rule 1.

Loading a blade is easy enough and self-evident. You are handling a very sharp blade, so care is required.

Lather up, put blade to face and whoa! this is completely different to anything that has gone before - nearest I can find is that it's like straight shaving with a DE handle and a whole new level of 'sharp'. (I can't say like SE because I lack that experience.) Lightness of touch, short strokes. Even then it picks up every minute blemish and scalps it, opens it again, makes it bleed one way or another. Any hesitancy is instantly marked in red, any clumsiness - it is the most unforgiving shave I have ever had!! and the most rewarding. Get it right and it is a fantastic shave!! Offers no resistance to whisker removal - just slides and glides them away. My usual three passes were reduced to two and I'm VBBS on my face and DFS on my neck - I chickened out of improving it because I'd already learned what the Cobra does to a sore patch. Its sole objective in life is to make things smooth and level and it cares not what gets in its way! Just like cats, it leaves the owner to clear up the mess!

Exhiliarating! That's the word for it. Exhiliarating! I was quite bloody but nothing a lot of alum and some touches of styptic couldn't fix - but 95% of the injuries were from days gone by and not from using the Cobra - well, not newly inflicted by the Cobra, just it slices off any blemish - picks up one side of an old nick and slices it off!

It was all my fault - not just as the operator - but after yesterday's first shave with an iKon after several days of first times following a bad idea day of a straight followed by a slant, I had decided that I would let my face recover with a week of EJ and green 7 O'clocks - but then Colin brought the Cobra and all that went out the window. The Cobra is now in the toy cupboard until I get home again next weekend, face unblemished - well - healed, then.

Overall opinion - what a machine!! It will test all your shaving skills and reward or punish according to your competence, if you Obey the Rules! I reckon the Cobra itself could do with some better engineering though it works fine as is. The Japanese Feather ProGuard blades are what it is all about, really - they are fantastic! They raise two questions already - is my skin strong enough for them (given my Cobra technique can only improve)? and what are they like in a shavette - Artists' Club? I'll learn to walk first, though!
I read another review of a cobra a little while back and they too were undecided on what to class it as - straight or safety, which I didn't fully understand the implications of as in my limited experience I've never used a straight....yet. I understand its a fair bit wider than a normal DE, how did that make for manouverability, I'm quite attached to my septum and ear lobes!
I would have tried the Cobra had I not already gone the Artist Club route, and all I need say about THAT is that since the first day I used one just over six months ago, I have bought a wooden-handled version rather than plastic, and gone from proguard to pro blades, but no other razor has touched my face.
barlines said:
I understand its a fair bit wider than a normal DE, how did that make for manouverability, I'm quite attached to my septum and ear lobes!

Shnozz and flaps are not a problem - more than 2" space between them and next protrusion. Upper lip and chin were problematic for me - circumvented by holding my mouth agape and letting one end of the Cobra practice air shaving. I could hear it trying to lure my tongue out with sexy invitations, though - come just a little bit closer!
I have never used the Pro Guard blades only the Pro blades. All I can say is this 57 year old's skin has not suffered a single weeper never mind cut with the Cobra. I have also used the Pro blades in a Feather Artist Club non folding about a year or so ago. I believe though they have been re designed slightly to tame the Pro Blade, what I would say though for me the Cobra is a joy to use where for me the Feather Artist Club was a very edgy shave with the least loss of concentration resulted in a cut.
SO I think I am glad I did not buy this model of engineering excellence! HMMMM! Sounds like a winner if you are more calm in shaving than me. I tried a straight once and it took me almost an hour! I have a feeling this would be a least the same!
Gr8 for this OAP to enjoy the feeling of having "young skin" ........... as I took to my Cobra no probs.

1st thing which springs to what I like to term my mind is that I've only ever used the Pro blades and never had any probs whatsoever. I have the feeling that I read an American review a couple of years ago mentioning the Pro Gards as being more aggresive and less suitable than the Pros. Anyway, if you want to try a Feather professional just PM me & I'll gladly send a couple down to you.

Whilst I've never found it an aggresive razor I do get a shade of razor burn if I use it continually. And certainly if I'm going to a function or special occasion I miss shaving the day previous and then have at the 48 hr growth with the Cobra.

For the query about earlobes & septums, I've never encountered any probs in using the wider head, the razor is so easy to use I'm hardly aware of what can initially seem a daunting size of head.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
I think I have seen it stated somewhere by one of the retailers that the Cobra was designed to work with the Feather Professional blades, and no other.

Nothing to stop you trying, though.

IanM said:
I think I have seen it stated somewhere by one of the retailers that the Cobra was designed to work with the Feather Professional blades, and no other.

Nothing to stop you trying, though.


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