50% off selected Comet stores

pugh-the-special-one said:
Don't forget this weekend there's 50% off at selected Comet stores, now that's big bucks.


As I had to go into work today and there is a Comet next door I took a look in..........
A complete waste of time !!
Most things have 10 or 20% off the RRP and can be purchased cheaper from other retailers who will be in business if it goes wrong.
The only "bargains" were a couple of TV stands.
Tablets were no cheaper even with discount, TV's can be found cheaper and the Dyson vac I was looking at was £70.00 dearer than most other retailer even with 20% off !!
Save yourself some money and shop online.
The magical words "50% off selected lines" was working though as the shop was full of people looking at the goods and walking out.............:icon_cheesygrin:
And to add insult to injury the Dyson I was looking at had no box, hose, pipes or cleaner head so was about as much use as tits on a bull............and they still wanted the same price for it.......cheeky twats.
In 1981 I worked in the Comet Store in Southampton. Back then it was a fun place to work, I had some great colleagues there. I was a very young looking 16 year old and they took me to gigs, pubs, night clubs and restaurants. How I got served drinks i'll never know as I was indeed a weedy little youngster.

Back then we had to push extended warranties and certain stock. I also remember the marvels of the Sinclair C5, a Grundig projector TV which was basically a huge coffee table, oh and then the Sony Walkman !!!! Not forgetting TDK SA, AD and Metal Tapes !!
Fond memories of Comet as a youngster. Got my first tape deck, a Ferguson single speaker effort that lay on it's back and I loved it. Not been in for years though. Still listen to a number of recordings on TDK SA90s - great tapes.
Gairdner said:
Fond memories of Comet as a youngster. Got my first tape deck, a Ferguson single speaker effort that lay on it's back and I loved it. Not been in for years though. Still listen to a number of recordings on TDK SA90s - great tapes.

SA's were brilliant, working there we did get staff discount and I had a few MA-R the metal housing one with clear Perspex, that really looked the business.

BLIMEY, just looked the MA-R up on ebay £20 for a second hand used tape.
As a teenager I used to make dozens of compilations on tape. I used those TDK SA90s. Chrome was supposed to be better than standard 'ferric' and my personal stereo had a "Normal/CrO2" switch. My dad did the same in the early to mid-seventies and one day I hope to sit down and listen to them. Bright orange plastic cases with a blue ghost-type figure on them that reminded me of Will'O the Wisp. This is a near twenty-year-old memory so no idea what kind of tape he used. And I remember cassette player instructions warning against using C120s as the tape was thinner to fit in the same space so more susceptible to snapping (never happened to me though).

Dolby Noise Reduction! It worked but you lost a lot of the higher end of the spectrum, especially if the recoding wasn't made on Dolby NR equipment. My mum had a tape deck in the late 90s that had Dolby B, C and S. C always sounded best to me.

This has nothing to do with Comet. Sorry!
Northam Saint said:
Back then we had to push extended warranties and certain stock. I also remember the marvels of the Sinclair C5, a Grundig projector TV which was basically a huge coffee table, oh and then the Sony Walkman !!!! Not forgetting TDK SA, AD and Metal Tapes !!

I remember the extended warranty push well...we had gone in to Comet to buy a dishwasher and a fridge....We'd actually chosen the ones we wanted, but when we tried to buy them, we got so much hassle from the salesman pushing the extended warranty, we just walked out without buying anything.....and left him talking to himself........

We've never bought anything from Comet since....
Same thing when I worked at PC World. I got a base unit very cheap there once on a staff special (top end machine but about £150) but they would only sell it to me at that price with three year cover for about £200. Still worth it though and I got a replacement hard drive two years later.
NotTheStig said:
Same thing when I worked at PC World...

Oh dear, I thought there had to be a catch with someone who seemed extremely decent such as yourself, NTS.:icon_razz:

Joking, of course, but our local branch managed to kill off an old PC, a fact that still annoys me to this day.
As for Dolby NR, I went through a phase of trying each one of B, C, and S on my Yamaha KX-580SE. A classic late tape deck if ever there was one (well at my end of the budget spectrum anyway). I found S to work the best but concluded that if I made the recording on this deck from my Arcam via good cabling and played it back on the same set up then any sort of NR was completely redundant as it worsened the overall sound. Never really got on with personal stereos or whatever you call them so tapes only either got played on the Yamaha, in the car when tape still dominated and in the 'gairden' shed. No point in NR on the latter two for sure.
I never described myself as decent, Chris - sorry to have misrepresented myself! :angel:
I worked in the stockroom rather than the extremely knowledgeable and not at all pushy sales team (it was good, actually, but not well paid and I was twenty so after a year or so I left to go to study Law at University. I decided not to pursue it beyond graduation but things have worked ok since then, although I harbour fantasies about one day returning to a stock control job...)
I am the biggest digresser in the world!
chrisbell said:
NotTheStig said:
Same thing when I worked at PC World...

Oh dear, I thought there had to be a catch with someone who seemed extremely decent such as yourself, NTS.:icon_razz:

Joking, of course, but our local branch managed to kill off an old PC, a fact that still annoys me to this day.

Gairdner said:
As for Dolby NR, I went through a phase of trying each one of B, C, and S on my Yamaha KX-580SE. A classic late tape deck if ever there was one (well at my end of the budget spectrum anyway). I found S to work the best but concluded that if I made the recording on this deck from my Arcam via good cabling and played it back on the same set up then any sort of NR was completely redundant as it worsened the overall sound. Never really got on with personal stereos or whatever you call them so tapes only either got played on the Yamaha, in the car when tape still dominated and in the 'gairden' shed. No point in NR on the latter two for sure.
I have an old JVC amp (second hand six years ago) joined with a set of Eltax floorstanders (new six years ago) and some low end speaker cable and interconnects. Cost me £105 all in. Run the TV through it and, these days, music through the TV. I always planned as a teenager to save up and buy a full hi-fi system from Richer Sounds.
Got my first decent setup, Pioneer CD, Kenwood amp and Mission stand mounts in '94. Then progressed via two different Arcam CD players, a Marantz KI signature (best one of the lot), a couple of Arcam amps which included a bi-amp setup and onto some higher end Cyrus kit with my current Castle floorstanders taking over from some B&W standmounts. Got myself into a spot of financial trouble buying the Cyrus stuff so I sold it all and was down to just my Roberts radio for a while. It wasn't proper financial trouble as I would've got it in the neck from the bank if so but it was enough to tip my hand. Tall_Paul mentioned having an addictive personality in another thread recently: hell, that's me alright! Finally managed to save up and get the current (broken) Arcam and the Creek around the start of the millenium so I fetched the Speakers and turntable down from the loft and vowed no bloody more! Looking back, I can remember a Linn Classik in there somewhere too and an expensive Systemdek turntable. Wish I'd stuck with the Marantz CD, the Arcam 9 amp and saved myself some money. With the Castles and the Rega, that was a great setup for classical music - smooth yet powerful and deeply insightful. I'll eventually get round to having the current Arcam and Creek repaired......:icon_rolleyes:

Crikey, I can rattle on eh? :icon_rolleyes:
I'm not an expert but I know a little. Have been tempted by Arcam because I like the fact it is (was?) made in Britain. So many people argue what's good and what isn't and the snobbery put me off. But if I had the cash to spare I would ignore all the reviews, listen to a few setups (might as well buy a complete system so everything sounds right together) then put the order in for the best price I could. I know Linn and Cyrus is serious stuff; hadn't heard of Creek (told you I was no expert).

Feel free to rattle on - seems we have a few shared interests!
Majority of Arcam stuff is now made abroad, I believe. My CD player, being older, is a British product as is my Creek amp but they've gone far eastern too. Used to be made in London with very basic, utilitarian looks. Basically, all the money had been spent inside the box but I like that sort of thing. Plain and almost retro without trying to be. Rega is all still made here but I've a funny feeling Castle have 'gone away' too. British Hi-Fi companies used to take huge pride in selling massive amounts of kit to Japan. Coals to Newcastle as it were but most of the great brands have skedaddled. Linn are Scottish as you probably know but I've no idea if they make stuff here now or not. Och poo, I want to listen to a few CDs now but the laptop is the only thing that works. You can hear something come out of it but listening is hard work.
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