A nice pair ...

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
... one for the Floyd fans, there.

Anyway, today is a fine day. Not only is it great weather out there, it's also Saturday and my cheerful Postman handed me a couple of packets.

We have a reasonable Schick E (£10 from the Netherlands) and a very shabby Durham Duplex Type-T (£2.99 from the US).

I'm only showing the Durham since we (well, MJC & I) are in agreement that this is not a DE, but an SE with two edges :D



Is this my biggest challenge yet?

After an age cleaning, cleaning again ... and again and again ... and again ... then again just to make sure, I think I have it about as good as it is going to be.

I cannot feel any of the rash with my lip, so think it's good to go. If I can find a supply of blades, I think I'll get this one re-plated since it gives one heck of a good shave.




The macro shots do make it look worse than it appears to the eye. Don't believe me? Take one of your own razors and shoot it in macro - you see all sorts that you just don't otherwise.

So, onto this Schick I mentioned ... An American E and one which will respond to some TLC.



... but a little elbow grease does wonders:



I've had a shave with the E and it was superb!

I'd also borrowed one of these Durhams before with a blade and got probably my best shave yet - so smooth and so efficient. I've got some blades coming ...
Those dog groomers are not at all bad - they're rough (ruff!) on the first shave, but second and third play out well. Strop them, either on hand or leather belt and they play a lot better. I've yet to hone or proper strop one.
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