A Nice Surprise

Thursday September 16, 2010
A few weeks ago I was contacted by Richard Nash, who is the head instructor at the Target Barbershop Training School in Wiltshire. They teach people gentlemen's barbering and straight razor shaving skills. It's the course to take if you really want to know how to straight shave properly. Anyway, Richard said he had purchased a tub of my F31 Orange shaving soap off ebay and liked it, and wondered if I would be willing to tender a price to supply the shaving school as well. He has a standing order of 50 tubs a month, and is currently supplied by Taylors of Old Bond Street. He said Trumpers and American Crew were also in the running. I felt quite honoured to be included in such prestigious company to be honest with you!

I sent off some samples as requested, and have just been informed that I won the contract!

Taylors will be dropped, and the other two are out too! Old Blighty will be supplying the shaing school from now on!

Just thought I would share that with you, I'm as pleased as punch!
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