Any gardeners here

Saturday December 22, 2012
Hello all
just been out in the back garden little mushrooms all over the lawn growing like there's no tomorrow.
Never had them there before should i pick em and fry up :icon_razz:
tiny little things with tall stems light brown colour any idea how to get rid off them.
What shape is the cap? Do they have a little nipple on the top? A very common mushroom on grass lawns at this time of year could also be on yours. Whatever you do, don't pick any until you have a confirmed ID, it could be illegal just to pick them!
Get a pic if you can and I might be able to ID it. Then get the mower out and get rid of them, especially if you have young ones about.

Anybody else thinking psilocybin?

daz said:
Anybody else thinking psilocybin?

Lol... absolutely! We get them. They seem to pop up in the lawn just like magic...

Personally, I prefer to eat giant puffballs. Much tastier, easy to identify and go great with fried bacon.
Yeah I prefer puffballs too, the odd chenterelle or cep never goes amiss either. I have a lovely wee wood not too far from me that has 4 edible species in it that are good eating. Perthshire is a wonderful hunting ground for both mushrooms and wild foods.
I have on one occasion heard music coming from a street lamp, sweet child of mine if memory serves me correct. My next memory is being violently sick and then rolling on the floor with laughter and stomach cramps. Not an experience I wished to repeat.
The Sami in Sweden still use fly agaric to connect to their spirit world and ancestors, problem with that one is that the chemicals within vary wildly. One day you could eat some and have a nice wee trip, next one you have may put you to sleep for good.

In all seriousness though, steer clear unless you know what they are. I can recognise 6 different (edible) shrooms with absolute certainty and they are the only ones I pick. Even innocuous looking field mushroom (what you see in supermarkets) has some extremely poisonous and deadly brothers and sisters in the Agaricus family. They look very similar and field identification is very difficult unless you really know what you are doing, I wouldn't touch them!!!

Sad story a little while ago of a mother who made some soup from what she thought were edible mushrooms. They turned out to be Death Caps :-(
Your liver and kidneys can't process the toxins and pass them out, so they continually get circulated round the body. Each time they pass through the organs they cause more damage, until the inevitable happens and your kidneys and liver fail. No known cure and nothing at all can be done to help apart from palliative care.
Even some edible species have to be cooked to remove toxins, some you cant drink alchohol within72 hours of eating them (ink caps) or they can poisen you, and some, though are edible just taste shite!
(false chanterelle)
Pretty hard to tell, but from those photos I would indeed say that they are Liberty Cap, Psilocybe semilanceata, better know to most as Magic Mushrooms. If you are worried about them just go over them with the lawnmower. Don't think there is much else you can do about them to be honest.
Until a few years ago they were only illegal to dry out, they have now been made illegal to pick as well. Can't remember for sure but if you are caught with them in any form they go down as a class B drug, I don't mean growing on your lawn, thats ok. They're not particularly harmful and a decent quantity are needed to bring on their hallucinogenic properties, 20-50 mushrooms. But the amount of psilocybin contained in them can vary.
Thanks Daz will get the wife out with the mower. she says we have had them last year
is there any thing that will stop them coming back.

For anyone unfamiliar with what a psychedelic drug can do, let me just mention a few of the possible effects.

First interesting feature is sometimes seeing stuff that most likely isn't really there. I'm not gonna dwell on that, but yeah, it can happen and can be pretty entertaining/odd/crazy. Sometimes there's an imaginary story to explain what you're 'seeing'.

What I wanna talk about real quick is the way your brain works/thinks differently. Things like mushrooms or mescaline or acid or whatever.........they all unlock a door to some thoughts that usually there's no access to. Yeah, it can certainly put a different slant on things. Sometimes in a profound way. Heh, you wanna talk about things floating to the surface.......this will do the trick.


Oh yeah, sometimes people would go a little nuts in a bad way. Well, much more than a little....
tuftey02 said:
Thanks Daz will get the wife out with the mower. she says we have had them last year
is there any thing that will stop them coming back.

Not as far as I know, the mycelium will be stretched far and wide by now. They can go in cycles, they can show up in decent amounts for a couple of seasons and then dissappear, but the mycelium is still there, under the ground. It can then reappear in massive quantities the following season. I have heard of people trying their hardest to cultivate them, don't think anyone has succeeded yet. So I think it might be just as hard to kill them off. If you are really worried you could try flooding your garden for quite a few months. You could try making your soil really acidic or alkaline, but this will also kill your grass off. When you cut your grass make sure you collect the clippings and don't leave them lying.
To be honest they are not worth bothering about, just keep the lawn mowed and don't get caught placing them into bags:angel:
They are not poisonous or harmful to touch, just to eat and I have never heard of anyone dying directly from ingesting them. A huge quantity would have to be taken for that to happen, as in well over 20 kilos. And you'd be puking them up everywhere by then!
If eaten they can obviously cause hallucinations, which could lead to you being in dangerous situations but in themselves they are not really poisonous. Just don't get them mixed up with anything else!!! That's a different story altogether and although I think this is what you have growing, I couldn't be sure without seeing them first hand and at least doing a spore print. What I am saying is please don't eat them on the above information, I could be wrong and tomorrow you could be dead.
Thanks Daz
I was a bit worried about the dogs eating them.cant imagine what our dogs on a trip would be like there odd enough at the best of times.
will not be trying them my self
Those are not Liberty caps, I am absolutely, 100% sure.
I wouldn't imagine they are poisonous but I wouldn't eat any fungus/mushroom that you are unsure of.
If you are putting pics of fungi for id you need to include a photo of the gills and stem, as well as the cap.
If you are trying to find psilocybin 'shrooms one of the best methods of testing is do the stems bruise blue if you score them with a nail. If yes then one of the chemicals they contain is psilocybin.
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