Anyone collecting vintage blades?

Well, I guess I fell into the grasping claws of another *AD - VBAD, Vintage Blade Acquisition Disorder :dodgy:
So a question arose: are there any pals collecting old/vintage blades or blade wrappers? Anyone willing to trade or sell or kindly giveaway? :angel:

Not really collecting vintage blades but have amassed a pretty good selection of current & NOS blades, about 180 different blades. While getting those and buying some old razors I have received some vintage blades. More than happy to let you have them if you want, pm me your details. Can't remember off the top of my head but I think there are some Plaza, Ever Ready, Chade, Gillette Thin & 7 O'Clock.

If anyone else is interested, I have a lot of the Plaza & Ever Ready which I could PIF.
Send me an address and I'll send some all of the same type them Gillette with the blokes face on
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