Arrived here after an Epiphany in Sainsburys!

Hi all,

I'm a soon to be DE shaver from Oxfordshire. I have wet shaved all my life (after one particulalry sore shave with a rubbish electric razor) using whatever the newest Gilette super duper razor was on the market and squirty foam.

On Sunday, whilst in Sainsburys looking at the myriad of different cartridges available (and after an inordinate amount of time trying to establish what the difference was between fusion, fusion power, proglide, proglide power :icon_confused:) I had an Epiphany. As I was statring at my £24 selection of 8 cartridges, I decided that was too many pints of ale to waste on something I didn't particulalry enjoy doing and there must be a better option. So i put them back and decided to look online at what was else was out there not expecting to stumble across such a wide community who had already come to the conclusion I just had.

Anyway, to cut a long, rambling post short, I have yesterday orderd a shaving starter set from comprising of an EJ DE89 (unfortunately the lined version was oos), an ebony EJ brush, some Taylors of Bond Street Sandlewood cream and the 35 blade variety pack. I can't ever remember looking forward to shaving as much as i currently am!

No doubt I will have some queries soon, but thought I'd say hello first!
Welcome to TSR! I did exactly the same thing and bought a starter set from traditionalshaving - admittedly before I did much research. Sadly, a sizeable chunk of the beer money savings will go towards experimenting with new soaps, blades and even razors! One thing many people do suggest is sticking to one type of blade for several weeks while you concentrate on getting your technique right; Boots (among others) stock Wilkinson Sword blades and branded supermarket options are often (Israeli) Personnas - both decent options to begin with.
Thank you all for the welcome!

I'm already deliberating which blades to start with. I believe I should recieve the following:

Gillette 7 O'clock
Lord Platinum
Wilkinson Sword

I'd appreciate any recommendations. Ideally something a bit forgiving for a novice like me!

Burgundy said:
Welcome to TSR! I did exactly the same thing and bought a starter set from traditionalshaving - admittedly before I did much research. Sadly, a sizeable chunk of the beer money savings will go towards experimenting with new soaps, blades and even razors! One thing many people do suggest is sticking to one type of blade for several weeks while you concentrate on getting your technique right; Boots (among others) stock Wilkinson Sword blades and branded supermarket options are often (Israeli) Personnas - both decent options to begin with.

I haven't even recieved my kit yet and I'm already looking around for other stuff! What I'm really after is a nice stand for my razor and brush so I can show it off in the bathroom without SWMBO getting in a strop! All the ones I've seen so far seem to cost about the same as I paid for the razor and brush!
I got my first kit from there, they were very helpful and the service was good. As the others have said try and stick with one type of blade for a week or two until your technique develops. And don't worry about the stand they soon get in the way when you have more than one razor (and you will have more than one!).

I think you'll find that blades are personal and can also be razor what works fine for me, you may not like very much and vice versa...

Without trying to influence your decision. Of the ones on your list, the only two I use are the Astra SPs' and the Gillette Sharpedge (yellow pack)...the Gillettes being my go to daily blade....The Astra's I find nice and smooth ,though not as sharp as the Gillettes, but they work fine for me in an aggressive razor like the Muhle r41.....

Very enjoyable this shaving lark......But just wait 'til the other half starts complaining about the time you spend in the bathroom on a morning.......Well we have to look presentable don't we?
Get 7 O'Clocks, forget the rest from that list. Yes, they (the rest) can be of different degree of badness to different people, but is coping what you're after? :)
Helveticum said:
Get 7 O'Clocks, forget the rest from that list. Yes, they (the rest) can be of different degree of badness to different people, but is coping what you're after? :)

I respectfully disagree. Blade choice is very personal - the Gillettes may be the only ones from that list that work for you, but that isn't the case for other people - I, for example, love Astras.

Find a blade with which you do not cut yourself too readily - the top end of your list would fit that bill for me.

Clearly, you may as well stop drinking now because you are already in the grips of a few ADs - it gets very expensive unless you keep a very tight rein on yourself. I fail every day!
Brother, just pick a make at random from your list, shave with it until you get consistent results then try another make and you'll have a baseline to compare it to; after you have tried 3 or 4 then check peoples advice - again, you'll have a base line to work from.
One man's caress with a velvet glove is another man's Weasels Ripped My Flesh.

This post, in it's entirety, is worth exactly 2p.
Ooooh, I love the passion behind people's blade choice!!!

Count of Undolpho - I do believe you're right. I shall put them all in a hat and draw one at random (Whilst still in the packets, obviously, otherwise that could get painful and messy in equal measures)
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