Baked beans.

Ted should join this lot...


Maybe not...LOL.

Somebody has told me about that program in the past.
Im not quite as bad. I got a little twitchy when we moved where we did and every winter had power outages that would last a few days. So I started making sure that we had the ability to light the house, run the telly and the heating system and cook. Things improved when we got PV and some of the output is used to keep three deep cycle batteries fully charged - I have one true sine inverter (900w) and two modified sine (500 & 300w).
Then as well as mains gas I have 4x portable gas lanterns one high pressure gas lamp that runs from a propane cylinder one full propane stove and a twin burner propane grill ( and 19kgs of gas).

Dozy twonk shooting his thumb off - what was he doing?

I keep a couple of 40mm rounds for when it gets really hairy round here, but usually the .22's are enough to see off the Zombies
We used to live in the wilderness and as such we still keep a good supply of long life food etc... The generator is still in the garage ready to go if required and I always have spare propane bottles, even though we are on mains gas now. I have propane gas rings for cooking on.

Plenty of logs for the fire in store as well.

Plenty of Branston Beans in the cupboard :)
Used to be Heinz all day long, now prefer Branston, I mostly whack a spoonful of my own blend of curry powder in whilst heating to give them a bit of a lift, and have taken to doing the same thing with Shepherds pie.
Heinz and other classic brand names ie. Campbell Soap, etc and even Maxwell House Coffee have seemed to have recently change their receipts. The food brands have become sweeter and blander. Even my 12yr who lived on Campbell's has switched to other brands.
Maxwell House. No idea what they've done to the Brand. It use to be the Brand that I had when my other coffees ran out. But now it's just terrible. Have noticed that its having less and less shelve space in the stores.
Not sure what market these Brands are now aiming at, but it's not me.
I can report that Heinz Cheesey Baked Beans were disappointly un-cheesey in their taste.
They tasted just like normal, nay even Asda Smart Price baked beans but looked anaemic in their watery yellow sauce.

I will try BBQ beans tomorrow lunchtime.
As preference Heinz with peanut butter and balsamic vinegar with a liberal dash of chilli sauce.
I will however eat any beans as long as they contain any of the above adulterants and/or garlic.
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