Blade Longevity

Isle of Wight
Hi guys, bit of an issue here and i am not sure what i am doing wrong! I read you guys saying every day on the forum that you are getting up to 4 and 5 comfortable shaves with the same blade.. I am struggling at 3 and the third can be a bit sore as i need more passes to achieve a smooth finish especially round my neck. I am using a EJ89 and slim adjustable dialled to 4 or 5 with MWF or TOBS usually. The blades i have tried and like are Super Iridium, Gillette Yellow, Bluebird, Astra green and Feathers. I find with all the above the first shave is superb, BBS with no irritation. Second shave needs a bit more work but can achieve a BBS with a touch of a sting afterward but the third doesn't seem to shave as clean causing me to use more passes. The only blade i feel i could take further was the feather. I rinse and relather using WTG XTG and ATG and always need a neck touch up. I realise everyones beard geography is different and needs attacking from different angles.
2 or maybe 3 shaves from 1 blade is not an issue as they are so cheap, what concerns me is am i doing something wrong to only achieve this?
There aren't many blades that I take past 3 shaves. But certainly, with a Yellow, Feather and Astra Platinum, I am easily able to get three comfortable BBS shaves without irritation, with my passes being WTG and two ATG passes (although in slightly different directions - it seems the most effective way for me to attack my stubble!) followed by touch ups on my neck area as that seems to be particularly stubborn get BBS. That said, I'm particularly lucky and have pretty resilient skin as I can easily go for what amounts to a four pass shave on a daily basis without irritation and I am also able to carry out touchups without lather, just water. Not that I do - normally, but sometimes I'm just plain lazy and there are a couple of areas that just aren't quite right (my OCD is pretty bad for wanting a BBS shave!)

I find that quality of shave tends to drop off after three shaves. The only blade that I've kept for longer is an Indian Gillette Platinum - that got to (I think) 6 shaves - certainly more than 4 and less than 8! :)

That said, all I find is that the blade doesn't seem to cut as well. It doesn't cause me irritation as such. As you say, it might be that you're trying to compensate by applying more pressure. The blade may not be cutting as well, but it's still damned sharp!

What's your pre-shave prep? This can be just as important for softening up the beard. Also, how would you describe the consistency of the lather? As again, this not only aids to cushion and protect your skin, but it will also continue the softening of the beard too.

Also, if you have very fine growth, then a blade is going to last longer. If you have fairly chunky stubble (which I seem to have) then I'm guessing that it's going to give the blade a harder time.

How often are you swapping between razors? If it's frequently, then try sticking with one for longer period - at least a couple of weeks until you are 100% comfortable and confident with it. When I started out, RAD bit me badly and I had a whole plethora of razors around, but I stuck to one that was working well for me, for about a month - if not longer. Even now, when I change razor, I tend to stick with just that razor for a few weeks to really get a good feel for it.

As a matter of fact, minimise ALL changes - that includes soap and blades - try and get a consistent, irritation free shave with one combination before you move on to something new.

Sorry I can't give you a definitive answer. This whole "game" is very subjective.
I wouldn't overthink things. I fell into this trap when I first started DE shaving and when I first joined here (only 4 months ago), but I soon learned that it's best just to go with whatever feels best for me.

If I can get 5-6 shaves from a blade great, if it feels a struggle on shave 3, then so be it. I'll toss it and start with a new one.

Unless cost is a real factor (in so much your budget is so tight you can only afford to use x blades per month), then I really think it's best to just do what feels right for you.
Usually prep with a hot shave then face lather till i get a nice creamy consistency. The first shave is lovely, just the following shaves which i struggle with. I am starting to think i have a really tough stubble though. Got so many blades lol, will be good to get through some pretty quickly. But you are right i am over thinking the whole thing and we are all different so going with the flow and what feels right is the best way forward.
Don't think you're doing anything wrong at all SpeedyB. Different beard & skin textures take a differing toll on blades. I choose to bin my (DE) blades after 3 shaves 'cos the tend to "go off" for me around the 4th.
3 good comfy shaves for the cost of one blade sounds goodly to me & if that's what you're getting I doubt there's much wrong with your technique.
Just enjoy.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
I bin after 2 or three, it's been discussed here a few times and it surprised me that it's not as rare to do that as I initially thought.

My theory on that is that someone who is getting 5,6,7 or 8 shaves with one blade is likely to want to tell people about it so you do hear it quite often as a topic starter. Then topics like this come up and many more people chip in and say they get about 3 shaves.

I think 3 is about average. At 10p a blade I can't worry too much about it, in fact I quite like putting a fresh one in afer 2 shaves. I'm a right flash bastard.
You are doing twice as much work with your blades than mine!
I do two passes. With and against.
My yellows are ok for five days. So when you you take in the extra mileage all sounds ok.
Sounds like you are having fun!!
Well I did that and for me it was a blind ally.
I now concentrate and enjoy the process. Filling the sink, soAking the brush. Choosing soap and razor.
Making great lather, razor angle, shortish light light strokes.
Prep, consistency will lead to good shaves.
I think neat shaves come out of enjoyable process.
All the tiny bits that go into a bbs are for me the enjoyable parts.
Bbs is a bonus.
I gave up counting too. This blade that number of shVes. Gosh that was an even blinder ally!
Now I go by feel. If the blades not working I change it.
I had this thing about getting 5 to 6 shaves from a blade.
Mmmmm. That didn't work.
Enjoy everything.
Slick makes a good point with the number of passes made with each shave. I have razors that give an very acceptable shave in 2passes while others using the same blade take a whole bowl of lather. So the amount that a blade travels may really differ based on the razor.
.... Wow! now that I think of it ; I should be keeping the blade and dumping the "Razor"!
After trying a few varieties, I finally settled on the Gillette 7 O'clock Black from India (The "Black Ninja"). I can usually get 5 days use with my 1938 Senator doing 4 passes. I do a hand-strop after the first day - it seems to help a wee bit....

Yellows I cant take past 3 shaves, Super Silvers I cant get more than 2 good shaves, Extra Thins 3 shaves, Red Stripe's 2 shaves, Falcolns 5 shaves, Silver Blues 5 shaves, Bleue Extras 5 or 6 shaves.

BUT - other people get more or less with the above blades depending on facial hair, razor and the phase of the moon.
I tend to put a new blade in every Sunday. I turn the blade mid-week and when I do I palm strop a couple of times each side. I shave 6 or sometimes 7 days a week (often let it grow one day of the weekend). I do notice it starts to tug at the last shave of the week, so thats just about my limit.
I'm still experimenting with blades, but almost all have given me a good weeks worth of 3 pass shaves.
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