Blades as part of a set - to use or not to use?

In two minds about whether to try a blade from my fatboy set I got yesterday. I love trying out a new blade and these are a full pack but the cellophane wrapper has split allowing me access to the dispenser. I don't know if these Gillette Super Blue 6 pack are original to the quarter 4 1959 Fatboy so not sure whether to 'spoil' the set by trying one. What do you guys think?
If it makes any difference, there are a couple of small pieces of plastic that have broken off the case and are rolling around inside it, but otherwise the set is in excellent condition (better than I have made it sound probably!)
Personally I wouldn't but that's just me.

I'm sure you'll get people say why not give them a go? If you don't if someone gets hold of the razor after you, they may.
Go with what feels good to you M8. I've got a couple of original wrapped Hoffritz blades which are sentimentally valued by me unused, but another owner may well prefer to put them to the use for which they were intended. Just enjoy them whatever you decide.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
I share that dilemma, I have a unopened pack of blue blades in a card box.

Every time I pick it up to look at it, on one shoulder a:icon_evil: a pears "Go on you know you want to"
On the other shoulder a :angel: "No that will destroy the past and it's mint"

In a feeble attempt to stop mr evil from getting the upper hand,I have got some other blue blades and a blade stropper and want to use them but should I?

Some other bod probably will if I don't .....
show me a picture of the blade puck....i am sure i have around 40 blades lying around somewhere you can have
You are number six.

Love that show. Last episode was weird but very philosophical. Haven't bothered with the recent remake

That's very good of you. This is them together with a mock instructions leaflet (not to scale) . Thanks

You are number six.

Or even, "You are, No 6."

Johnny (Still thinking about some of the underlying philosophy from first seeing it in the sixties !) O. \:mad:
Plenty to think about, JohnnyO! Once the co-creator left Patrick McGoohan wrote the last episode over a weekend and it was full on symbolism and very odd, as you probably remember. I, like others, was disappointed with the ending but I appreciate more after reading about what he wanted to say.
Anyway, way off topic...!
Personally I'd use em for their intended use, but then I don't collect razors just to look at them, I'll only collect razors I wish to use, and even then I'm not much of a collector (yet!). But that's just me, I know plenty folks view these things differently.
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