Blending a Dud Soap?

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Good evening Gents,

I bought what I thought was a lovely shaving soap, made from goat milk, all natural ingredients and seemed like the proverbial lost cup. Alas, it's little more than soap, does not lather up, does not produce that thick, protective layer that we look for when shaving.

To save reputations, it's not NSS. NSS soaps are awesome! This is another goat milk soap producer.

So, I have this puck of soap, which I've now grated and pressed into a jar.

Can I rescue it? Is there something I can add to make it play well as a shaving soap? Is there something off the shelf that I can buy to mix with this, re-grated, to make it play better? Maybe two parts, say, Wilkinson Sword stick and one part dud soap ... giving the overall mix a good hit of goat milk while benefiting from the industrial production of the main product.

What say you guys?
I've had this problem in the past,my remedy was,put the offending soap in the middle of a dish that is bigger than said soap,I then microwaved a puck of Glycerin shaving soap and poured it all round the duff soap and left to set.
This then gave the bad soap a good dose of Glycerin to make it useable.

I wouldn't ruin a perfectly good shaving soap to rescue another...a few drops of glycerine added to the suds should make it useable as a lather.
I wouldn't blend a good soap with a bad one, but what I do with disappointing shaving soaps; take them out of the Jar/box/wrapping paper or what ever they are in, then place it in your drawer or in the closet or wherever you keep your clothes/shoes/socks/underwear/pj etc... it would keep them smell better and would keep moths and/or other harmful creatures away.
I have the Wilkinson sword soap in the closet and few erasmic sticks. I think they are good for that job
Here's what I did with an appalling goats milk soap I bought.


I've too many good performers to waste time on rubbish ones! ;)
TRXnMe said:
Excuse my ignorance, but why are folk grating shaving soaps?

For me, I got a puck ... it didn't fit into the jar I had, so I grated it and pressed it into my jar. Now it's a good solid puck at the bottom of a jar ... still crap, mind.

Tall_Paul said:
Here's what I did with an appalling goats milk soap I bought.


I've too many good performers to waste time on rubbish ones! ;)

You ain't from up North, are you :icon_biggrin:

We're not tight ... in fact we're very generous, but boy do we hate waste. We'd rather eat our own hands off than waste something.

I know what you're saying, but it galls me. Galls me, I say. That repetition shows how much!

It must be good for something? Those goats squeezed too hard for me to chuck it away!

Palmolive stick is the soundest idea so far ... it's in a 250ml glass jar (usually used for car waxes). The 100ml soap is a little lost in there. Grating a cheap stick and blending in sounds good. Palmolive cream is pretty good; I guess their soap is, too.
Thanks for explaining the grating bit :)

So, I could grate a couple of palmolive sticks, form a puck and use that to brush lather from my bowl then... Interesting how the options open up :)

Also having been brought up to be 'careful' with my brass I do find it fun to modify with stuff to suit my purposes for little money :)
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