Bloody Cats!

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
I get home this evening to find our monster Maine Coon kitten lying on the kitchen floor with a big old smile on his face. Fur all around, I knew what was up. He's brought yet another rabbit in ...

Okay, where is it? Well, I couldn't find it, so kicked the cat out and got on with my thing. There seemed to be some noise downstairs, so I went back down to see what was going on. Silence. So, a better look around and I found the rabbit hiding behind some furniture.

I knew the drill ...

Grab the thing by the neck, support it, tickle its tummy and take it outside to let loose in the garden.

Well, this time it nowhere near went to plan. I picked up the bunny and ... it started screaming, really screaming! At arms length, I ran outside with it to find some walkers in the road, a couple, with their young girl. All looked at me in horror as I tried to hide the screaming bunny. I fumbled an explanation, ran around the side of the house and up the back, all the while this thing screaming away.

By the time I came back down, they'd gone. I'll expect a visit from the RSPCA.

Later, kitten comes back in. I picked him up and kissed the back of his head ...

Oof! What a stink! Smelling him again and looking at the huge mount of horse muck in the middle of the road, I thought I'd put two and two together ... until I held his back end, only to discover he'd had a sloppy expulsion and appeared to have sat in it.

Great! Now I have to clean up the cat. Luckily Maine Coons like water, so dunking him in the sink is not quite so traumatic for either party. Washed and dried off, he's a happier fellow.

Cats, eh? Who'd have 'em?
My wife would like a Maine Coon. Our old cat was half MC and he was lovely.

The worst my two have done it kill a blackbird, bring it in, then de-feather it all over the dining room.

Nice to return from work to see it.

He started with mice ... usually pulled their heads off making them easy enough to clean up, but sometimes let them go which had him in stitches while I ran around trying to catch the thing. I even tried sending our older cats after it, but they joined in the joke, sat down and giggled to themselves watching me.

He then moved onto small birds which he'd bring in, stand on, shout for us and then let it go once we'd come into sight, presumably to see if it took us as long to catch as it did him. They were generally a little easier to catch.

He then brought a bigger bird home: a magpie. Gee, thanks! That was not a lot of fun to deal with.

So, imagine our "joy" when he moved onto bunnies. Easier to catch, generally not killed and rather less traumatic all round.

What's next, then? Lambing season has just started ...
... a worm, and a bee? Easy life :D

Regarding bunny wee, I think the little fellow was all wee'd and poo'ed out. There was some clean-up behind said piece of furniture, but I don't recall that much of a stink ... certainly nothing like mog diarrhoea! Puke!

I wonder if he's eaten a bunny this afternoon and brought another in for later. He didn't eat any dinner tonight and he loves his Fish & Chip Shop 'Cat Bags' of haddock. Little beggar!
My worst mog experience was walking downstairs half asleep and feeling a 'squish' between my toes.

Looked down and I'd stepped on a headless mouse.

This was our old mog. It must be a Maine Coon thing!
Reading the first sentence, I thought, "oh, I've done that" ... but it was a little different.

Middle of the night, still watching early morning trash TV, I wanted another drink so up I got up ... danced along the landing, trotted down the stairs to feel something furry under my foot.

Lightening reactions had my other foot stamp hard, relieving potential pressure and squishage from said mog's body, bounced into thin air, hit head on ceiling, saw stars, hit bottom two steps on my back leaving most of my skin right there on the carpet and came round with that damn cat licking my eyelid.

I never did get that drink and it took weeks for my skin to come back ...

Bloody Cats!

Coon cats are fun, tho' ... they're not really cats.

Here's the bed we bought him as a baby, not knowing quite what he'd grow into ... we had no idea of his breed or background. The bed would be fine for a few years and quite happily fits either one of our older British Short Hair mogs:


He's one. One year. Apparently MCs don't stop growing 'til about 4 years old. He's well over 5Kg now. I should weigh him in again, perhaps once shitty smell has died down.

... a mere few weeks old, he'd fit into my fencing mask:


We used to wonder where he'd been to smell so bad until one bout, I had to call halt to spit out a mouthful of cat hair. The penny dropped then.

Bloody cats!
My cutie got her from rspca as an abused kitten she is much happier now


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We've got a back MC kitten as well - looks just like thus and even sleeps the same way in his bed, clearly a MC thang!

pjgh said:
Reading the first sentence, I thought, "oh, I've done that" ... but it was a little different.

Middle of the night, still watching early morning trash TV, I wanted another drink so up I got up ... danced along the landing, trotted down the stairs to feel something furry under my foot.

Lightening reactions had my other foot stamp hard, relieving potential pressure and squishage from said mog's body, bounced into thin air, hit head on ceiling, saw stars, hit bottom two steps on my back leaving most of my skin right there on the carpet and came round with that damn cat licking my eyelid.

I never did get that drink and it took weeks for my skin to come back ...

Bloody Cats!

Coon cats are fun, tho' ... they're not really cats.

Here's the bed we bought him as a baby, not knowing quite what he'd grow into ... we had no idea of his breed or background. The bed would be fine for a few years and quite happily fits either one of our older British Short Hair mogs:


He's one. One year. Apparently MCs don't stop growing 'til about 4 years old. He's well over 5Kg now. I should weigh him in again, perhaps once shitty smell has died down.

... a mere few weeks old, he'd fit into my fencing mask:


We used to wonder where he'd been to smell so bad until one bout, I had to call halt to spit out a mouthful of cat hair. The penny dropped then.

Bloody cats!

My oldest cat is a 9 yr old moggie

- she loves to consume mice - usually leaves a neat little stomach lying for our unsuspecting toes to squelch in the bathroom, but this last week she has been getting disturbed by our younger cat so has been dropping them still live to run around the house.............. 3 mice in the past 2 days!
So i have to catch the little blighters and put them outside without the cats spotting me, otherwise the cat goes out and catches them again.
The younger one!

( a 4 yr old brittish shorthair) who has no ideas about eating them - it just likes chasing them around the room and tossing them in the air.
though last year the youngest managed to drag a young pigeon through the catflap.

weird sleeping positions are not unique to MC

I would type an answer involving our various cats and their antics, however I've got to try and stop our 5 month old kitten biting my laptop power cable as he has his nightly "zoomies"!
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