Boots Cool Cologne Shave Cream

It's actually quite good, you need to apply the cream directly to the brush then lather the face, as opposed to using a bowl for some reason :? The scent is what I would describe as 'old/traditional barbershop', but I like it and it does grow on you. Definitely good value for what, about 79p? The soap in a bowl is good too, both give a nice cushioning lather, and make a pleasant change in a rotation.
Superb...cheers chaps

will have a nosey round boots tomorrow, havent been there in months.

im into creams rather than soaps, love the Palmolive, and have two tubes of TOBS Rose on the way.

just prefer the lather from cream rather than soaps and sticks....thats why im outing all my sticks right now, no doubt this will change again
mind you only soap i have ever tried was kent which i believe is was poop !

Not all branches stock it... for example there are 4 branches near(ish) to me - one stocks the soaps only, one stocks absolutely nothing shaving at all (not even goo & Fusion), one stocks stick refills and the other stocks the lot.

The one that stocks the lot isn't the biggest of the four.
I gave it a rubbish review on another forum a couple of years ago. However I think that it was more about my technique and gear than the cream.

I revisited recently, and got along better with it. It is quite thirsty and doesn't lather up much, it stays in a creamy state. It is very slick. A measure of this is how difficult it is to rinse from your face, it takes a fair bit of washing off.

At the price, it is worth a punt.
I was in one of the local Boots yesterday. They had Freshwood & Cool versions of the brushless cream, the basic soap in bowl refills, and 1 bowl, and shaving stick refills, but no shaving sticks.

The young fella working there seems to believce that only the soap is for using with a brush, and there is only brushless creams. He wouldn't beleive me when I told him one of his co-workers told me differently the other week. Nor did he seem to grasp the bit about differnet stock to different stores in different proportions.

Ah well ... perhaps one of the oher ones in town will have some - if and when I get near them some day. ... some day when I also have a bit of priable-loose cash to spend on it.
If any of you boys on the Forum are passing a Boots that has the Tubes of Cool Cologne Shaving Cream (Not Brushless) can i be cheeky and ask that you get one on my behalf, then i will send you whatever it cost + Postage via Paypal.

Looked in two stores near me and only Brushless Cream available.

Out of the four stores I've poked my head in over the last few days, I observed the following:

Store 1: Nothing, no space for it
Store 2: 4 tubes - all bought and ready to be shipped to the US
Store 3: Nothing, no space for it
Store 4: Space for it, with a wee note "Temporarily out of stock"

Wondering if they get a big batch wokked up when they need it to happen, rather than continuous small batches...
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