Boots shave stick

whilst reading another thread someone noted a lack of reviews for Boots shave stick among other things so i thought i'd oblige :D

my orignal foray into the world of wet-shaving was with my Grandad's old Gillette boar brush and the Wilkinson Sword soap black bowl and my Sensor.
after discovering B+B i made the leap to using a DE.
i wanted a way of trying out lots of different products but cost effectively, hence soap sticks.

i went a bit mad originally so i've tried quite a few things in a relatively short space of time :roll:


one main advantage of Boots's stick is that it comes in a nice holder unlike Palmolive, Speick and WS.
so what you say, well it makes a difference if you need to take your stick anywhere.
mine is a permenant fixture in my gym bag.
it is a Palmate based soap and comes in 50g size, small but does last ages.
i find it easier and quicker to make lather with this than a tallow based stick.
it also feels slicker to me
the scent is a pleasant clean soapy smell which i like.

i remember one of the topics we had running on CONUK was based around wet-shaving supplies from your High St, could you survive?
i think we're pretty lucky over here as to the quality of this type of thing, lets face it, less than £1 for this and our other sticks :lol:

would i recommend this - YES
will i buy the refill when mine runs out - YES

the bowl has the same ingredients by the way and that's VERY close to Cade :eek:
that's right CADE
you have been enlightened
Thanks Hando, the Boots stick never came across as good for me, mostly because I don't like the scent. However nearly everyone who's tried it seems to like it so I'm in the minority here.
You are right about the holder though, I kept mine and it now contains a Palmolive stick for travel.


on a purely performance based i'd rank my shave sticks as follows

1. La Toja (just)

2. Boots
2. Palmolive
2. Wilkinson Sword
2. Tabac/Irisch Moos
2. Speick

but honestly there is so little between them all i'd be happy to live with any of them for the rest of my days

Arko however is a bit of an oddity, it really works well as a soap, it is one of the best performers there is and should be deserving of a mention on my list.
i'm glad i tried it but i can't get past the smell so i won't be getting any more, especially when these guys a readily available.


get the bowl tight arse :lol:
hunnymonster said:
I think there's over a pound in in like - between the stick and the bowl... so PC's Aberdonian/Red Sea Ped heritage is coming to the fore ;)

Hey, this a thread about a Boots Shave Stick, not Giving Pig Cat Some Stick!! :lol:
I picked up a Boots stick yesterday and I used it this morning. It's easily as good as Palmolive, Erasmic, and Tabac (these are sticks that I've used). The scent is a little weak, but performance is up there with the best, in my opinion.

Here's what I think of it:

Ease of lathering: 9/10--No problem getting it going.

Longevity of lather: 9/10--Hangs in there very well for multiple passes.

General skincare: 7/10--Fair, but not so great. It leaves my skin quite dry at times.

Scent: 7/10--Not my favorite scent, but not bad either, I suppose.

Price: 10/10--Cheap in the UK.

Would I buy again: 5/10--I'd prefer not to because there are much better soaps.

I think the Boots sticks are fairly decent performers which are available for very cheap money, however I find the skincare is sort of lacking. I don't think I'd want to continue with them after I finish the one I'm presently using. It's nowhere near as pleasant or skin-friendly as the Erasmic or Arko, or even the Palmolive sticks.
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