Bow ties?

Bow ties, what doe they say about the wearer?

  • Stylish individual

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • They say nothing, just another piece of neck wear.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Eccentric

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Tosser, nutter, weirdo

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
Monday January 4, 2010
I've been considering wearing a bow tie, I work with the public so usual wear is usually a suit but sometimes I wear a blazer or tweed jacket with appropriate trousers.

So what does a bow tie say to you about the wearer.

I wear bow ties regularly with a suit or Highland dress.

I confess I only own one (Black) but it is a self tie, I think clip on, ready tied Bow tie's are best left alone.

Learning to tie a bow tie is easy using YouTube. A wee bit of practice and you will be able to do it eyes closed.....

I used to know a bloke who wore a clip on, but carried a self tie in his pocket.

At the end of the evening he would pop to the loo, remove the clip on and drape the self tie around his neck Daniel Craig style.......

He got caught out when someone asked him to demonstrate how to te it!
Pig Cat said:
As far as I can tell, bow ties are for consultants, antique dealers and clowns. Which one are you? :angel:

I'll get some big shoes too then :p

Hairsuite said:
I wear bow ties regularly with a suit or Highland dress.

I confess I only own one (Black) but it is a self tie, I think clip on, ready tied Bow tie's are best left alone.

Learning to tie a bow tie is easy using YouTube. A wee bit of practice and you will be able to do it eyes closed.....

I used to know a bloke who wore a clip on, but carried a self tie in his pocket.

At the end of the evening he would pop to the loo, remove the clip on and drape the self tie around his neck Daniel Craig style.......

He got caught out when someone asked him to demonstrate how to te it!

I can tie one, or at least I used to be able to. I've worn them with dinner suits but its been a few years since I last went to a ball.
Sorry, Eccentric nutters for me.

I've not met anyone yet who wears one for work that hasn't had to work really hard to dispel the initial first impression prejudice. IMO they should just stick with cravats or cowboy shoestring ties.
ShavingAl said:
Sorry, Eccentric nutters for me.

I've not met anyone yet who wears one for work that hasn't had to work really hard to dispel the initial first impression prejudice. IMO they should just stick with cravats or cowboy shoestring ties.

My drama teacher at school wore one every day. He also drove around in a purple Metro.

He was an eccentric nutter.

Why not give it a trial run, see what people responses are in the flesh, and see if you enjoy it, then go from there.
It says your at least over fifty or James Harries, poor fella/girl.

Nothing wrong with it, never tried it myself (at least not yet - in the plan though).

With the right outfit combo and hair style, should be fine. Make sure the width of the bow tie never exceeds the width of your face, general and basic rule.
Personally, I like them.

I wear one occasionally but only with a tweed jacket, not sure why.

I read an article recently which said that sales of bow ties had rocketed in the last couple of years since the current incarnation of Doctor Who has worn them!

Says it all really.
I have five - they are all self-tie as I will not have a pre-fab in the house.

Mine are black tie (for DJ), white tie (for tails), Harlequins, RTYC and MCC (the last three usually with a blazer).

Mind you, I also wear red trousers so you can draw your own conclusions!

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