Bowl Lathering with a Simpsons Chubby 2, Tulip 3 and Berkeley 46

Three more Simpsons brushes arrived this morning in order to round out my collection.

The Tulip 3 and Berkeley 46 are new and were delivered by Vulfix one day after being ordered (which is excellent for a free delivery service).

The Chubby 2 (in Best), came via ebay and again was delivered within a day of my paying for it. It has previously been used and is in excellent condition (apart from some nail varnish having been applied over the sticker - I can live with that, but still can't undertsand why people do it).

Here's the pictures (note: the Chubby is wet having been used prior to the photo being taken):


I decided to do a comparison Bowl Lathering test using my Woodhead Potteries scuttle, given that I'd read that the Chubby was more suited to face lathering given the density of the knot and that the Berkeley was also potentially more suited to face lathering given the size of the loft (40mm).

I used some Trumper's Coconut Cream and an Omega 49 Boar brush which has the following dimensions (pics below):

Bristle Length: 55 mm
Bristle Diameter: 27 mm
Overall Length: 128 mm
Handle Length: 73mm


Now for the test.

Omega 49:


Chubby 2:


Tulip 3:


Berkeley 46:



Most lather was created by the Chubby 2 followed by the Omega, the Tulip and then the Berkeley.

The Omega struggled to load anywhere near as much lather onto the tips of the knot as the other brushes though; half of it remained in the scuttle.

The easiest brushes to produce a lather with were the Tulip followed by the Chubby, Omega, and Berkeley.

The Berkeley needed noticeably more work than the other brushes but still gave a good result in the end.


All brushes produced good results when Bowl Lathering in my scuttle.

Both the Chubby 2 and the Omega 49 struck me as being particularly good in terms of the physical amount of lather produced.

The Tulip was by far the nicest brush to use though; the size of the handle felt nigh on perfect in my hand and this counted for a lot in terms of subjective experience.
Cheers! Nice review.

I agree re the Tulip handle, but maybe the super grade has something to do with it too, my Chubby 2 in super's an excellent brush and one of the best out there, even though I feel the handle's to small and, well, too chubby :D. But I like big handles and I can see a Tulip 3 in my future, at some point.
Thanks Mikael.

Interestingly, I just repeated the test using my small stainless steel Edwin Jagger bowl that I use to Bowl Lather when I am travelling (no photos this time I'm afraid).

The results with this were almost reversed with the Berkeley clearly being the strongest performer followed by the Tulip, Omega and Chubby.

I'm pretty sure that this is to do with the size of the brush relative to the size of the bowl, with the larger knot brushes (Omega and Chubby) performing significantly less well.

The Chubby would only just fit into the small Stainless Steel bowl whilst the Berkeley felt somewhat lost in my big scuttle.

This leads me to beg the question as to whether outright latherability is a function of knot and loft size relative to bowl size?
I would say go for it mate.

The handle is superbly made and designed.

They do it in Manchurian Badger as well, although knowing your preference for 2-band knots it might be worth speaking with Simpsons to see if they could do it in 2-band for you.
I bought mine direct from Vulfix (via the Simpsosn website) knowing that everyting I've bought from them before has been delivered the next day for free.

However, there are many other suppliers who are slightly cheaper (through the use of discount codes or points systems / free gifts).

Two who spring to mind are Diamond Edge (10% discount) and The Shaving Shack (points plus free blades (inc Feathers and Gillette)).

My suggestion would be to check out a number of sellers and see what deal is best for you.
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