Chinese Rhino and Super Thin PIF

I have ten of each of these so I need ten volunteers. Bechet45 has been catered for separately :blush:
For anyone who doesn't already know, PIF essentially means it's a freebie but you should try to do something similar for another member in the near future. This is the spirit of The Shaving Room!

It feels quite aggressive, like a Feather, and from this very limited experience it's quite a sharp blade.

Super Thin:

The super thin is smoother for me and gave a very close shave.

If each person can ensure they take only one of each of their blades quickly and pass on to the next in line within a day or two of receiving it'll make things much easier for everyone. I needn't be kept up-to-date with where they are and how many are left as I don't intend to see these again :) Of course, if anyone happens to have any other Chinese blades just lying around that they could throw in I might be interested in getting this back!!

Thanks. And enjoy!
Had another shave with the same Rhino blade. It was a bit rough but did the job well although seemed to be blunting by the end. Just like a Feather really, but not as sharp.

Blades with tackleberry very shortly, then it's:
Lose the beard

Surely it should go Ground Control to Major Tom?
NotTheStig said:
Had another shave with the same Rhino blade. It was a bit rough but did the job well although seemed to be blunting by the end. Just like a Feather really, but not as sharp.

Blades with tackleberry very shortly, then it's:
Lose the beard

Surely it should go Ground Control to Major Tom?

Yeah, it's important that I keep in touch with Ground Control.
Re: RE: Chinese Rhino and Super Thin PIF

demusss said:
Could you add me to the list please?

Did you get these via the taobao?
I haven't ordered the other Chinese ones yet got one left to fully try out.

I didn't want to risk my money/spend >£100 to get credit card protection (they removed Paypal) but these popped up on ebay so maybe the seller read our thread
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