Derby Extra, a long term review project

I got my blade pack, with a total of 108 blades, and 18 different brands of blades, I am beginning what may be the first actual attempt to determine just how much a blade changes between razors.

My razors are going to be the following,

1. 1953 Korean war non brass 3 piece tech

2. 1940/1941 winged "ranger tech head" super speed

3. winged aristocrat junior super speed

4. 1940/1941 regent/aristocrat aka "1946/1947 aristocrat"
rarely use this one, as blades don't seem to last long in it, and a good blade for it would make it far more enjoyable.

5. fat boy
cant remember using it since around Halloween. Really should get it back into action. Really makes Wilkinson swords PERFORM.

6. ww2 contract tech
haven't used it much, loves platinum plus and Wilkinson sword Germany

I tried Derby Extra this morning, it was odd as can be.

I used my Korean war 3 piece tech, and proraso Red.

The red lathered well, but in the end provided very little protection. And I swear half the irritation post shave came from simply rinsing the stuff off my face.
The other half undoubtedly shaving with a new blade, in a razor I haven't used in perhaps a month.

I had a lot of lather, did three passes, and rinsed enough lather from my brush for another pass.

6 hours after shaving, I felt I needed another shave.
Whereas a 1 pass shave and some buffing, would have had me good for 10 hours with a platinum plus.
Day 2
used cella today, 53 Korean tech, same derby blade. no nicks or cuts. blade felt better on the face. did a two pass shave. issue is, irritation in one spot that got hit bad yesterday with irritation.
Face feels better, but after 20 minutes I need to shave again.
Day 3,
cella, WW2 contract tech, new blade.

my face was ripped up from yesterday, and feeling like I hadn't shaved hair wise, but had the same roughed up skin that electric razors give me. Put cremo 3 in 1 lotion on, went about town for 2 hours before I got home and haved.

This time it was ALOT better, comfort was similar to a platinum plus on its 3rd shave. sharpness was roughly equivalent to a Wilkinson sword on the first shave, with a good blade anyways.
what a disappointment they turned out to be, I have fairly sensitive skin and facial hair like steel wire that youll find on a barbecue cleaning brush.

In just three uses of the derby extra blades with two, very nice forgiving wonderful razors, I ended up with 4 ingrown hairs on my neck. Its somewhat sad, but in the end the blades don't seem to be very friendly. about one small step above van der hagen rebranded blades.
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