Distilled water

Not suitable for consumption by any means, it will have traces (in strong quantities) of the soaps and whatnot used in the wash cycle. I use my condenser dryer water in my iron as it stinks to high heavens of the softeners used by the wife :)
Yes, I didn't consider that - although I did wonder if dogs would be so fussy given that they are known to eat/drink things far worse.
Same with ours, she would sit in the sink for half an hour licking at the drips. Water fountain helped a little. But the biggest help has been giving her a pint glass, refilled every day. I think she just wants to be like us.
No she doesn't Karen. (loopy emoticon) ;)

As a pack orientated animal the tendency for a dog to gulp down likely food items without thought is quite understandable as it's competing with other pack members and doesn't know when it's going to feed again. The same though cannot be said for a contaminated water supply, in fact you may have noticed your animal drinking just after you've refreshed it's water bowl or as mentioned preferring to drink running water. That's no accident....cooler/running water is less likely to be stagnant and therefore harmful, perfectly sensible.
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Antbad :( I've seen her drink out of a bowl on no more than a couple of occasions, even though it was changed every day, and even though she had nothing else (apart from the dripping tap) for years. And when I say dripping tap, I'm talking one drop of water every few minutes. On the other hand I've seen her drink out of muddy puddles. She'll also drink out of your bath water given the chance. So it's not as simple as the water being fresh, although that's obviously part of it.
Puddles can be fresh but I can't explain the bath water, I do though have a distant relative in Brum called Karen, Sharon.
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