Doctor Who 50th Annniversary

Anyone excited about this? I am but a little worried they will be ticking off a list of references to other stories and characters at the expense of a good story. That doesn't mean I wouldn't love some well scripted cameos from former doctors and assistants

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Somehow or other, I've managed to miss all the Dr Who series since the reboot occurred. I think it's because Christopher Ecclestone is a favourite actor of mine and I wanted to catch up with his series first and, having never got around to doing so, I didn't want to skip ahead. However, having watched all the documentaries and specials over the last few days, the fan I was during the Tom Baker era has resurrected itself and I'm definitely inappropriately looking forwards to tonight's show.
Spookily, I've just Sky+ it because I just know Monday - Wednesday at work will be like living on another planet if I don't watch at least some of it.

Haven't watched an episode of Dr Who since the Tom Baker / K9 days.

Have I missed much?
joe mcclaine said:
Have I missed much?
Its a bit darker these days and touches more on who the Doctor is and where he comes from (which we were just starting to see in the Sylvester McCoy era). The hour long stories rather than the story over 6 episodes format sits better with a modern audience too.
But pretty much the same really - bloke travels round the universe in a box fighting evil aliens and saving people / the planet Earth mostly, with an assistant or two in tow for a bit of pseudosexual friction.
We will be watching it even though I think that the writing in the last series has been well below the quality of previous ones. I do hope that its good and that the quality of the plots improve for the new Doc.
Some episodes are ok... some are quite boring... some are excellent. At the end of the day it's only a telly programme... I'm rather bored with all the hype... and I don't need to know any details about the actors' lives or opinions... they're actors and they're just doing a job.

I'll still be watching it, though.
I had a mad crush on Sophie Aldred back in the day; couldn't stick Sylvester McCoy but I watched it religiously for her. Looking at pictures now, I'm not quite sure why I was so obsessed - but I can see on IMDB that she was in it during my early teens so that probably explains it.

I quite enjoyed the episode - it took me a while to get into the swing of the nonsense (I haven't watched it since the Paul McGann TV movie) but once I'd stopped worrying about that and went along with the ride, I was quite happy. Debating whether to catch up with some of the recent stuff on Netflix.
Think I need to watch that episode again as I lost the plot somewhere along the line and lost a bit of interest because of it,I do like Doctor who though and looking forward to Peter Capaldi's interpretation.

An excellent episode for the comedy value alone.

I'm also looking forward to seeing PC's Doctor.

I thought John Hurt was excellent.

The only thing I thought they missed out on was cameos from the other living DW actors. (Although Colin Baker is just about unrecognisable if you only ever saw his as DW.)
I enjoyed it last night. Great teamwork and banter with the 10th and 11th Doctors and some great special effects which didn't over-shadow the story or humour. I liked the Terminator-style battlefield and Skynet-like Piper.
I was hoping for a few cameos and very pleased Tom Baker was finally in it. He hasn't been in any of the other TV multiple Doctors episodes to my knowledge (save for charity specials) and I wondered the real reasons behind that. He has started doing his own audios for Big Finish in the last few years so that gave me hope and I wasn't disappointed last night.
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