"Don't believe the hype"

I've been reflecting on how many razors I've bought and sold over the years. Many of them were accompanied by much hype but they didn't work out for me. 2022 and 2023 in particular saw more disappointments than successes. Conversely, I have thoroughly enjoyed some less popular razors.

Ultimately the following is only my opinion but these are the razors that I think deserve their hype:

Timeless Ti .95
Blutt (especially the 1.20)
Karve CB
Razorock Gamechanger .84

Popular razors that i didn't get on with:

Blackland Blackbird
Blackland Vector (Stainless and Titanium)
Rex Konsul
Karve Overlander
Lambda Athena

I've limited these lists to what I'd call current popular razors.

My post tells us nothing. I just felt like sharing this with the internet.
I ‘may’ have gone a little crazy since I started the hobby and dived straight into a number ill thought out purchase of hyped razors despite numerous warnings.

Popular razors that I didn't get on with:

Blackland Blackbird and Blackland Vector I found both too aggressive for daily shaving despite being well made.
Karve CB brass. A lovely shave but for some reason I couldn’t stand the brass smell/taste, despite it not bothering me on the Hone 15 or Stando Rod.

I loved
My Tatara Masamune still the razor I regret most letting go.
The Rockwell 6s has never given me a bad shave.

These last few rarely get hype but I have found seem easily looked over.
I love my Stando Rod that little more than the ATT SE I had.
And the Occam’s Oren of course.

However it is all horses for courses I guess and everyone will have something slightly different that works for them.
Flip it around and see that the classics are classic for a reason.

Ten years and quite literally thousands of razors through my hands ... and, all I need to say is Gillette Tech, ASR 1912 and *89.

I'm definitely someone who prefers the classics but I really enjoying seeing producers making new razors, and those who to take pleasure in buying those new products.

It's great to see this hobby having something for everyone.
For me, classic razors are good but modern razors often are better. I particularly like:

Blackland Blackbird
Blackland Vector
Merkur 39c
Tatara Masamune Nodachi
Rockwell 6S

But, failed to get good results with:

Karve Christopher Bradley plates B,C,D and E
Razorock Gamechanger .68 and .84 and Hawk v2 aluminium
Ikon Standard, Short Comb, 101, 102, and X3
Merkur 34c
In my limited experience the only thing consistent is the inconsistency!

The Rockwell 6 in either form (Chrome or Stainless) is a well regarded razor. I entirely agree, it will NEVER leave my den (again). Gillette Tech, a must have for any wet shaver considering themselves serious about this hobby. Couldn't agree more!

So, purchasing a razor influenced by the general populous trends seems to be the way to go. All until I spent money on things like Blackland Vector, Carbon CX Ti, Karve Brass and a recent disappointment Tatara Muramasa. One's holy grail razor is another's purgatory of this hobby's sins.
Blessed may be the BST section of this Forum.
I’m not a collector. Shaving was a problem for me, and I turned it into a hobby. But my focus is more on technique. I find that most safety razors are overrated. In the end, they are "just" holders. The blade is held by a geometry, and choosing well even cheap shavers can give perfect performance. In recent decades my frankenrazor PP1489 has compared various products "elite" without disfiguring in the least. In fact, having the same result ... the rest is a matter of price. Hype is the lubricant of the industry. In general.
I've been reflecting on how many razors I've bought and sold over the years. Many of them were accompanied by much hype but they didn't work out for me. 2022 and 2023 in particular saw more disappointments than successes. Conversely, I have thoroughly enjoyed some less popular razors.

Ultimately the following is only my opinion but these are the razors that I think deserve their hype:

Timeless Ti .95
Blutt (especially the 1.20)
Karve CB
Razorock Gamechanger .84

Popular razors that i didn't get on with:

Blackland Blackbird
Blackland Vector (Stainless and Titanium)
Rex Konsul
Karve Overlander
Lambda Athena

I've limited these lists to what I'd call current popular razors.

My post tells us nothing. I just felt like sharing this with the internet.
Chris i agree wholeheartedly,
in fact iv only been doing this 4 years yet i have amassed over 100 razors, 100 brushes & blah blah blah,
Doesn’t bear thinking about.
On the easy sums that’s a purchase of 25 razors & 25 brushes every year which is completely bonkers.
Ironically i tend to stick with the same half dozen razors & maybe a dozen brushes.
Now i have totally slowed down and to be honest most of it wasn’t me it was my wife.
when i came home there was almost a new den waiting on me.
It just doesn’t make sense.
Having said that i don’t regret any of it and wouldn’t change it for the world but far to many dud razor buys has slowed me right down
I've been reflecting on how many razors I've bought and sold over the years. Many of them were accompanied by much hype but they didn't work out for me. 2022 and 2023 in particular saw more disappointments than successes. Conversely, I have thoroughly enjoyed some less popular razors.

Ultimately the following is only my opinion but these are the razors that I think deserve their hype:

Timeless Ti .95
Blutt (especially the 1.20)
Karve CB
Razorock Gamechanger .84

Popular razors that i didn't get on with:

Blackland Blackbird
Blackland Vector (Stainless and Titanium)
Rex Konsul
Karve Overlander
Lambda Athena

I've limited these lists to what I'd call current popular razors.

My post tells us nothing. I just felt like sharing this with the internet.
I wanted to like the original Blackbird but as an everyday shaver I found it a bit much, the Blackbird Ti razor however is ( for me ) much better. Lighter in the hand and very smooth on the skin, one of my favourite razors. :)

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