Executive Shaving Issues?

Wednesday April 2, 2014
I have to admit rather disappointed with them given it is my first order.

Ordered some Bluebeards revenge shaving cream / shaving balm and some razors... nothing too excessive as just fancied trying something different and ordered Wednesday.

Delivery was a little slow but heck it's no big deal in the grand scheme of things... opened the well package parcel from them this morning being greeted that 'Kirsty' had checked and packed my order. Lovely stuff.

Clearly didn't check very well as on opening the shaving cream the seal on the pot came off completely... thinking maybe removing the lid had done it (possible?) I checked the shaving balm to find this...

Not a great start then... email sent and will await reply.
Can't help thinking that maybe you should have waited for a response before posting.

No ctiticism intended - I guess it's a fine line really.
Ah... I did ... spoke via the phone and informed this is 'normal'?

I don't think so - pictures sent via email.
Can I check with you that I understand your complaint, Mr OCD? I find your two posts difficult to comprehend.

You received a well packed parcel - bubble wrap or polystyrene fingers for protection? but on opening either one pot or two, you found the inner security seal(s) damaged and/or not stuck down. Have I understood correctly so far?

So your complaint about Kirsty is that she hadn't opened your pot(s) to check the security seal(s) was/were in place? You think that this should be standard practice for every pot that leaves every shop? Or, are you complaining that someone - maybe Kirsty - has deliberately damaged the security seal(s)?

Further, that Exec Shaving say it is normal for seals to be broken and/or loose?

Have I got you correctly?

Edit: you posted that it was sorted while I was typing. Brian and Exec Shaving are a fantastic crowd and fall over themselves to get things right in the first place or to put things right. You received a tampered with pot and blame Exec Shaving and Kirsty. ANd you post this on the internet before even giving them a chance to sort the problem - which they promptly did. I really would like to see your first two posts deleted because I feel affronted on their behalf. How hard won excellent reputations are dashed down by irresponsible comments.
I wouldn't read into it too much... I have no real complaint and I guess you are correct in that it would not be realistic to check every pot.

Just mild disappointment upon opening my new 'goodies' ... regardless Executive Shaving are kindly sending me a replacement pot.

But yes, apparently the seals being partially open is typical I am informed?
Executive Shaving bad news followed by good news.. reminds me of this email they sent out ->


In fairness, they are typically pretty good to deal with. Do you get to keep the tampered pot? Happy days if so.
Mr OCD said:
I wouldn't read into it too much... I have no real complaint and I guess you are correct in that it would not be realistic to check every pot.

Just mild disappointment upon opening my new 'goodies' ... regardless Executive Shaving are kindly sending me a replacement pot.

But yes, apparently the seals being partially open is typical I am informed?

Let's just get back to the product itself for a bit. So Bluebeard Revenge products are usually partially open?
axelk said:
Mr OCD said:
I wouldn't read into it too much... I have no real complaint and I guess you are correct in that it would not be realistic to check every pot.

Just mild disappointment upon opening my new 'goodies' ... regardless Executive Shaving are kindly sending me a replacement pot.

But yes, apparently the seals being partially open is typical I am informed?

Let's just get back to the product itself for a bit. So Bluebeard Revenge products are usually partially open?

According to Executive Shaving yes... don't quote me though because as I said this is the first time I've bought BB revenge products!
You can't win with customers.

We were doing a service at work, where cameras were being returned to us for exchange. Repair on these units was not economic (cheap shit), so we were just supplying new, sealed replacements.

On a few occasions even the replacement units were faulty, and I was asked by the customer "didn't you check the camera before you sent it out?" I hadn't. They were new, sealed units so I left them like that.

One day, before sending a new replacement out, I took off the plastic seal and checked the camera. All was well and off it went. 2 days later, the customer rang me and complained that "the camera I have received is not new as you described as it was not sealed!"

Give me strength.

If anything, I'm more likely to use them than before. Knowing that if you've got a problem with an item (and every shop occasionally gets it wrong, either through their fault or, in this case, not) they'll sort it promptly is something people will value.
Never had a problem myself...... they are are very good seller and I must agree I think that this kind of bad press prior to the matter being rectified is inappropriate and should be removed from the forums. Companies don't need this kind a bad mouthing when they haven't had the chance to put things right. MISTAKES HAPPEN !! We are all human and errors get made..... as long as things are put right !!!!!!!!!!
This is a feedback forum and hence I am entitled to voice my experience. There is no bad mouthing of the Company... I have found them most helpful once the issue was identified and as I said a solution has been provided and I have said so in this thread so I'm not sure why you have felt the need to raise your voice.
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